Arrays and Tables
Arrays and Tables
1) The art-q array (t in common lisp) which may have several dimensions indexed by integers, and may hold any lisp or macsyma object as an entry. To construct such an array, enter A:MAKE_ARRAY(ANY,3,4); then A will have as value, an array with twelve slots, and the indexing is zero based.
2) The Hash_table array which is the default type of array created if one does B[X+1]:Y^2 (and B is not already an array,a list, or a matrix-- if it were one of these an error would be caused since x+1 would not be a valid subscript for an art-q array,a list or a matrix ). Its indices (also known as keys) may be any object. It only takes ONE KEY at a time (B[X+1,U]:Y would ignore the u) Referencing is done by B[X+1]==> Y^2. Of course the key may be a list, eg B[[x+1,u]]:y would be valid. This is in- compatible with the old Macsyma hash arrays, but saves consing.
An advantage of storing the arrays as values of the symbol is that the usual conventions about local variables of a function apply to arrays as well. The Hash_table type also uses less consing and is more efficient than the old type of macsyma hashar. To obtain consistent behaviour in translated and compiled code set TRANSLATE_FAST_ARRAYS [TRUE] to be TRUE.