%E^(A+B*%I) ==> %E^A*(COS(B)+%I*SIN(B))
if B is free of %I. A and B are not expanded. DEMOIVRE:TRUE; is the way to reverse the effect of EXPONENTIALIZE:TRUE;
DEMOIVRE(exp) will cause the conversion without setting the switch or having to re-evaluate the expression with EV.
SUMEXPAND:TRUE$ SUM(F(I),I,0,M)*SUM(G(J),J,0,N); -> 'SUM('SUM(F(I1)*G(I2),I2,0,N),I1,0,M) SUM(F(I),I,0,M)^2; -> 'SUM('SUM(F(I3)*F(I4),I4,0,M),I3,0,M)
If FALSE, they are left alone. See also CAUCHYSUM.