- A package on the SHARE directory for Numerical routines for Elliptic Functions and Complete Elliptic Integrals. (Notation of Abramowitz and Stegun, Chs 16 and 17) Do LOAD(ELLIPT); to use this package. At present all arguments MUST be floating point. You'll get nonsense otherwise. Be warned. The functions available are: Jacobian elliptic functions
AM(U,M) - amplitude with modulus M AM1(U,M1) - ampiltude with complementary modulus M1 AM(U,M):=AM1(U,1-M); so use AM1 if M ~ 1 SN(U,M):=SIN(AM(U,M)); CN(U,M):=COS(AM(U,M)); DN(U,M):=SQRT(1-M*SN(U,M)^2); (These functions come defined like this. Others CD, NS etc. may be similarly defined.) Complete Elliptic Integrals ELLIPTK(M) - Complete elliptic integral of first kind ELLIPTK1(M1) - Same but with complementary modulus. ELLIPTK(M):=ELLIPTK1(1-M); so use if M ~ 1 ELLIPTE(M) - Complete elliptic integral of second kind ELLIPTE1(M1) - Same but with complementary modulus. ELLIPTE(M):=ELLIPTE1(1-M); so use if M ~ 1