Special Functions
Definitions for Special Functions
- The Hypergeometric Special Functions Package HYPGEO is still under development. At the moment it will find the Laplace Transform or rather, the integral from 0 to INF of some special functions or combinations of them. The factor, EXP(-P*var) must be explicitly stated. The syntax is as follows: SPECINT(EXP(-P*var)*expr,var); where var is the variable of integration and expr may be any expression containing special functions (at your own risk). Special function notation follows:
%J[index](expr) Bessel Funct 1st Kind %K[index](expr) " " 2nd Kind %I[ ]( ) Modified Bessel %HE[ ]( ) Hermite Poly %P[ ]( ) Legendre Funct %Q[ ]( ) Legendre of second kind HSTRUVE[ ]( ) Struve H Function LSTRUVE[ ]( ) " L Function %F[ ]([],[],expr) Hypergeometric Function GAMMA() GAMMAGREEK() GAMMAINCOMPLETE() SLOMMEL %M[]() Whittaker Funct 1st Kind %W[]() " " 2nd "
For a better feeling for what it can do, do DEMO(HYPGEO,DEMO,SHARE1); .