Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra
- The file SHARE;VECT > contains a vector analysis package, share/vect.dem contains a corresponding demonstration, and SHARE;VECT ORTH contains definitions of various orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems. LOAD(VECT); will load this package for you. The vector analysis package can combine and simplify symbolic expressions including dot products and cross products, together with the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian operators. The distribution of these operators over sums or products is under user control, as are various other expansions, including expansion into components in any specific orthogonal coordinate systems. There is also a capability for deriving the scalar or vector potential of a field. The package contains the following commands: VECTORSIMP, SCALEFACTORS, EXPRESS, POTENTIAL, and VECTORPOTENTIAL. Do DESCRIBE(cmd) on these command names, or PRINTFILE(VECT,USAGE,SHARE); for details. Warning: The VECT package declares "." to be a commutative operator.