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5.2: TeX

TeX is a scientific typesetting package. We run the teTeX distribution version 1.0. This is documented at https://w3.pppl.gov/misc/teTeX. LaTeX latex(1) is the recommended macro package. The run it, use the command

latex file.tex

Useful (indispensible) books are:

If you have problems running TeX, please check your environment variables, in particular TEXINPUTS. Make sure these do NOT contain references to `/usr/local/share/texmf/...', `/usr/local/lib/texmf', etc. If you have private macro files in `~/tex', then you will want to define

setenv TEXINPUTS .:~/tex:

in sh or csh syntax. (The default TEXINPUTS will be implicitly inserted after the trailing colon).

This version provides better support for producing documents for online viewing:

  1. pdflatex produces a pdf file instead of a dvi file.
  2. the hyperref package has support for carrying the cross-reference information and references to URLs in a TeX document over to the dvi or pdf file; for example, you reference your home page like this
    \href{https://w3.pppl.gov/~jsmith}{J. Smith}
  3. xdvi can follow links (cross-refs and URLs).

The following are possible ways of producing pdf files from LaTeX

  1. In the `.tex' file, put

    Process with latex, then with dvips -Pwww -z, then with distill.

  2. In the `.tex' file, put

    Process with latex, then with dvips -Pwww, then with distill.

  3. In the `.tex' file, put

    Process with pdflatex.

When you view the `.dvi' file produced in method (1) with xdvi, the links will be underlined (and you click on them to follow them).

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