GNU Readline Library. Node: Modifying Text

PREVRedisplay UPReadline Convenience Functions NEXTUtility Functions

2.4.7: Modifying Text

Function: int rl_insert_text (char *text)
Insert text into the line at the current cursor position.
Function: int rl_delete_text (int start, int end)
Delete the text between start and end in the current line.
Function: char * rl_copy_text (int start, int end)
Return a copy of the text between start and end in the current line.
Function: int rl_kill_text (int start, int end)
Copy the text between start and end in the current line to the kill ring, appending or prepending to the last kill if the last command was a kill command. The text is deleted. If start is less than end, the text is appended, otherwise prepended. If the last command was not a kill, a new kill ring slot is used.
PREVRedisplay UPReadline Convenience Functions NEXTUtility Functions