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8. /etc/lpd.conf Configuration File

The values in the LPRng configuration file (default: /etc/lpd.conf) specify values for global options and default values for printcap options. See the man pages for lpd.conf(5) and printcap(5) for a complete list of configuration variables and their effects.

8.1 Configuration File Format

The LPRng distribution contains a template lpd.conf file which can be installed as /etc/lpd.conf. The configuration file has the following format:

# Default version of the lpd.conf file
# ae=jobend $H $n $P $k $b $t
# allow_getenv
# ar
# architecture
# as=jobstart $H $n $P $k $b $t
# bk_filter_options=$P $w $l $x $y $F $c $L $i $J $C $0n $0h $-a
# bk_of_filter_options=$w $l $x $y
# bl=$-'C:$-'n Job: $-'J Date: $-'t
# check_for_nonprintable
# client_auth_command

The file uses the same notation for printcap entries, but does not use the : (colon) separator. A line starting with # is a comment.

To change the default value of an option, remove the comment character and edit the entry. In the above example, the default value (1 or TRUE) for check_for_nonprintable has been changed to 0 or off.

To force the lpd server to use the new options, use the lpc reread command.

As for printcap entries, the %X combinations are interpreted when a configuration entry is used for configuration or defaults, and can be used to do site and host dependent customization. This interpolation is done when the default or configuration value is used in a printcap context. See Missing Details for more information.

8.2 Obtaining Configuration Information

The location of the configuration file is compiled into the LPRng software. The config_file entry in the compilation defaults is normally set to search for configuration information in the following files:


To change any of the config_file specifications, the the LPRng/src/common/vars.c file will need to be modified and the LPRng software recompiled.

In addition, LPRng has a special debug mode. When compiled with the -DGET_ENV option enabled, this sets the value of the allow_getenv option to 1. LPRng can then use the value of the LPD_CONF environment variable instead of the compiled in config_file value. This is a possible security loophole, and should not be used when running SETUID ROOT or as ROOT. To enable this option, see the TESTVERSION comments in the LPRng/src/Makefile.

8.3 Useful Configuration Options

The following variables are used to set default behavior for the LPRng software, or are commonly used for configuration of LPRng operations.


Default format for printing. Usually, default_format=f, but setting it to default_format=l will cause all files spooled by lpr to be spooled as binary files.


The default permissions to use when checking for printing or other permissions.


The default priority for a print job.


The default lpd server host.


The default directory for temporary files.

This option can be used to specify a default printer. If no value is given (default), the first printer in the printcap file will be used when no printer is specified.

You will only need to set this if LPRng can't determine your hosts domain name itself. This is usually a desperation option when DNS or some other database system is not available.

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