Output file for displaying algorithmic features

/* Integer flags (I5 format).
    8 - GKS workstation type (1=ncgm; 8=X11 window; 20=PostScript).
    1 - flags whether axes should be drawn.
    0 - Halfax/Grid flag (0=halfax and 1=grid)
    1 - Flags whether triangulation should be drawn.
    0 - Flags whether a blue dot should be drawn at (0.,0.) [0=no; 1=yes]
    0 - Flag to indicate whether the pseudo data should be included in the plot.
    1 - Flag indicating whether the natural neighbor circles are drawn.
    1 - Flags whether the centers of the natural neighborhood circles are drawn.
    1 - Flag indicating if Voronoi polygons should be drawn [0=no; 1=yes].
    1 - Flag indicating if the original points are to be marked.
/*  Color information (3F7.3 format) as RGB triples
  0.000  0.000  0.000 - background color
  1.000  1.000  1.000 - foreground color (used for axes)
  1.000  0.000  0.000 - circumcircle color
  0.000  1.000  0.000 - color of circumcircle centers
  0.000  1.000  1.000 - color for triangulation
  1.000  1.000  0.000 - Voronoi polygon color
  1.000  1.000  0.000 - color of vertex dots
  0.000  0.000  1.000 - color of reference dot
  0.000  0.000  1.000 - color for natural neighbor points
  1.000  1.000  1.000 - color to mark points where natural neighbors are desired
/*  Scale factors (F7.3 format)
  1.000 - scale factor for dots at vertices
  1.000 - scale factor for circumcircle centers
  2.000 - scale factor for circle lines
  2.000 - scale factor for Voronoi polygon lines
  2.000 - scale factor for tringulation lines
  1.000 - scale factor for axes lines
  1.000 - scale factor for points where natural neighbors are desired
  1.000 - scale factor for points marking natural neighbors
/*  User coordinates for SET call (4E15.3 format), defaults if all zeros
      0.000E+00      0.000E+00      0.000E+00      0.000E+00
/*  Number of user input data. (I5 format)
/*  User data.  The datum number occurs first (in I5 format) followed
/*  by the x,y,z values (in E15.3 format).
    1     -8.998E-07      5.000E-01      6.250E-02
    2      1.500E-01      8.000E-01      1.000E-01
    3      1.000E-01      3.000E-01      6.250E-02
    4      3.500E-01      6.000E-01      2.000E-02
    5      5.000E-01      3.500E-01      8.500E-02
    6      5.500E-01      1.000E+00      3.400E-01
    7      5.500E-01      4.255E-06      3.400E-01
    8      6.500E-01      5.500E-01      1.625E-01
    9      8.500E-01      8.000E-01      4.500E-01
   10      8.000E-01      2.500E-01      3.650E-01
   11      1.000E+00      4.500E-01      5.650E-01
/*  Pseudo data.
   12     -1.021E+01     -1.021E+01     -5.310E+00
   13      5.099E+01     -1.021E+01      2.481E+01
   14     -1.021E+01      5.099E+01     -3.763E+00
/*  The number of circumcircles (I5 format).
/*  Circumcircle data.  The first three numbers are the numbers of the
/*  data (as listed above) lying on the circumcircle; the next two
/*  numbers give the center position of the circumcircle; the final
/*  number is the square of the radius of the circumcircle.
   12    1    2     -2.296E+01      1.217E+01      6.634E+02
   12    2   14     -3.170E+01      2.039E+01      1.398E+03
   12    3    1     -6.947E+00     -3.099E+00      6.122E+01
    1    3    4      1.969E-01      4.734E-01      3.947E-02
    1    4    2      1.583E-01      6.083E-01      3.681E-02
    3    5    4      2.913E-01      3.948E-01      4.557E-02
    2    4    6      3.833E-01      8.333E-01      5.555E-02
   14    2    6     -1.148E+01      2.456E+01      7.000E+02
    3    7    5      3.224E-01      1.461E-01      7.315E-02
   12    7    3     -3.860E+00     -6.127E+00      5.699E+01
   12   13    7      2.039E+01     -3.168E+01      1.397E+03
    4    8    6      5.308E-01      7.596E-01      5.815E-02
    4    5    8      4.898E-01      5.139E-01      2.696E-02
   14    6    9      2.116E+01      3.159E+01      1.360E+03
   13   14    9      3.454E+01      3.454E+01      2.273E+03
    6    8    9      6.196E-01      7.793E-01      5.353E-02
    5   10    8      6.750E-01      3.750E-01      3.125E-02
    5    7   10      6.125E-01      1.875E-01      3.906E-02
   13   10    7      2.243E+01     -2.163E+01      9.462E+02
    8   10   11      8.083E-01      4.417E-01      3.681E-02
    8   11    9      8.517E-01      5.936E-01      4.260E-02
   13   11   10      2.250E+01     -2.125E+01      9.335E+02
   13    9   11      2.981E+01      1.300E+01      9.875E+02
/*  Number of points where natural neighbors are to be marked and
/*  a flag indicating whether just the points where first order neighbors
/*  are desired are marked (-1), whether the first  order neighbors
/*  will be marked as well (0), or both first and second order neighbors
/*  are marked (1).  The points will be marked with Xs, in the
/*  color described above. (2I5 format)
    0    0
/*  The coordinate list of points whose natural neighbors are to
/*  be displayed (using the color index as described above), should
/*  be listed here in 2E15.3 format.
/*    0.000E-00      0.000E-00

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