;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; Copyright (C) 1995 ; ; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ; ; All Rights Reserved ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ ; ; File: lg02n.ncl ; ; Author: Bob Lackman (converted by Ed Stautler) ; National Center for Atmospheric Research ; PO 3000, Boulder, Colorado ; ; Date: Fri Jan 13 18:31:18 MDT 1995 ; ; Description: Demonstrates a Legend of 5 markers. ; ; ; Begin NCL script. ; begin ; ; Initialize data values ; labels = (/"Marker_0","Marker_1","Marker_2","Marker_3","Marker_4" /) colors = (/ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 /) mkthik = (/ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 /) item_ind = (/ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 /) ; ; Create an application context. Set the app dir to the current directory ; so the application looks for a resource file in the working directory. ; In this example the resource file supplies the plot title only. ; appid = create "lg02" appClass defaultapp "appDefaultParent" : True "appUsrDir" : "./" end create ; ; Default is to display output to an X workstation ; NCGM=0 X11=1 PS=0 if (NCGM.eq.1) then ; ; Create an NCGM workstation. ; wid = create "lg02Work" ncgmWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkMetaName" : "./lg02n.ncgm" end create else if (X11.eq.1) then ; ; Create an X Workstation. ; wid = create "lg02Work" xWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkPause" : True end create else if (PS .eq. 1) then ; ; Create a PS workstation. ; wid = create "lg02Work" psWorkstationClass defaultapp "wkPSFileName" : "./lg02n.ps" end create end if end if end if ; ; Specify the viewport extent of the object. ; pid = create "Legend" legendClass wid "vpXF" : 0.0 "vpYF" : 1.0 "vpWidthF" : 1.0 "vpHeightF" : 1.0 ; ; Specify the type of markers for the legend. ; "lgItemCount" : 5 "lgMonoItemType" : True "lgItemType" : "MARKERS" "lgLabelStrings" : labels "lgMarkerColors" : colors "lgMarkerIndexes" : item_ind "lgMonoMarkerThickness" : False "lgMarkerThicknesses" : mkthik "lgMarkerSizeF" : 0.05 end create draw(pid) frame(wid) delete(pid) delete(wid) delete(appid) ; ; End NCL script. ; end