Ngmath example 10
This example can be created using NCL. It demonstrates how to use the
Fitgrid package to compute
a spline under tension forming a curve in the plane passing through a
sequence of 2D coordinates
(Fitgrid is part of the Ngmath
library). The name of the source file for this example is
This module discusses how to use the Fitgrid package from within
There is no HLU C program version of this example.
There is no HLU Fortran program version of this example.
The NCL script that generates this plot is
called nm10n.ncl.
This plot does not use any external data.
This example can be generated using an NCL script (nm10n.ncl). The
example is installed in the following location:
- $NCARG_LIB/ncarg/nclex/ngmath/nm10n.ncl
You can copy this example and run it by typing "ng4ex nm10n". A copy of
the source file and resource file will be placed in your current
working directory and run through NCL for you.
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$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1999/03/24 17:50:09 $