
NhlRLCreate, NhlRLDestroy, NhlRLClear, NhlRLUnSet, NhlRLIsSet

The Fortran names of these functions are NhlFRLCreate, NhlFRLDestroy, NhlFRLClear, NhlFRLUnSet, and NhlFRLIsSet. ResList support functions.

C synopsis

#include <ncarg/hlu/hlu.h>

int NhlRLCreate(
		NhlRLType	list_type

void NhlRLDestroy(
		int		list_id

void NhlRLClear(
		int		list_id

void NhlRLUnSet(
		int		list_id,
		NhlString	resname

NhlBoolean NhlRLIsSet(
		int		list_id,
		NhlString	resname

Fortran synopsis

      subroutine NhlFRLCreate(list_id, list_type)
      integer list_id
      character*(*) list_type

      subroutine nhlfrldestroy(list_id)
      integer list_id

      subroutine nhlfrlclear(list_id)
      integer list_id

      subroutine nhlfrlunset(list_id, resname)
      integer list_id
      character*(*) resname

      subroutine nhlfrlisset(list_id, resname, ival)
      integer list_id, ival
      character*(*) resname


list_type (input)
Specifies the type of ResList to create. Use NhlSETRL (or 'setrl' in Fortran) for a list being used to set values in an object (NhlCreate and NhlSetValues). Use NhlGETRL (or 'getrl' in Fortran) for a list being used to retrieve values from an object. (NhlGetValues)
list_id (input/output)
Integer identifier for the ResList. It is returned from the NhlRLCreate function.
resname (input)
Resource name. In the NhlRLIsSet function, this is used to determine if the given resource name has been set in the ResList. In the NhlRLUnSet function, it is used to remove the given resource name from the ResList.
ival (input, Fortran only)
Flag indicating whether or not a resource specified by resname is in the ResList.


Type name:		<none>
typedef enum NhlRLType_{
	NhlSETRL,	/* "setrl" */
	NhlGETRL	/* "getrl" */
} NhlRlType;


The NhlRLCreate function is used to create a ResList. A ResList is a dynamic list that stores name/value pairs that are assigned to it. The NhlRLCreate function returns a list_id that is used as an argument to the Create, SetValues, and GetValues ResList functions, as well as the other ResList support functions.

The NhlRLDestroy function is used to free an existing ResList. The list_id number may be reused the next time a NhlRLCreate is called.

The NhlRLClear function is used to clear all the resource names and values out of the ResList. It basically empties out the list.

The NhlRLUnSet function is used to remove the resource name specified by the resname argument from the ResList.

The NhlRLIsSet function is used to find out if the resource name specified by the resname argument is currently in the ResList.

Return values

The NhlRLCreate C function returns a positive integer that is used to identify the ResList, and the NhlFRLCreate Fortran subroutine returns this value in list_id. If it returns a non-positive number, then it was unable to create a ResList.

The NhlRLIsSet function returns True if resname is currently contained in the ResList and False if it is not; the NhlFRLIsSet Fortran subroutine returns this value in ival.

See also


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