MapPlot Ncarg4_0 database table

This table lists the contents of the MapPlot Ncarg4_0 database. The last column contains the area names, accessible through the MapPlot class resource mpAreaNames. These names are considered the primary key to the data. Their order in the database is given by the first column of the table, labelled "ELEMENT NUMBER."

The second column contains an integer representation of the area type. You can retrieve an array of these values by getting the read-only array resource, mpAreaTypes.

The third column contains the fixed area group assigned to each area. This value is used to determine the "geophysical" fill coloring of each area. Since it is based only on whether an area is ocean, land, or inland water, it cannot be modified by the user. You can access these values by getting the array resource mpFixedAreaGroups.

The fourth column contains the dynamic area group assigned to each area. This group is used to determine the "political" fill coloring assigned to each area in the database. By default, it is set up such that distinct adjoining political areas are guaranteed to be a different color, but the user can reset these values for other purposes, such as to represent statistical data. You can access these values through the array resource, mpDynamicAreaGroups.

1	0	1	1	Oceans
2	1	2	4	Africa-Europe-and-Asia
3	1	2	9	Antarctica
4	1	2	5	Australia
5	1	2	4	North-and-South-America
6	2	2	4	Borneo
7	2	2	8	Canada-Baffin-Island
8	2	2	8	Canada-Ellesmere-Island
9	2	2	8	Canada-Victoria-Island
10	2	2	6	Cuba
11	2	2	4	Greenland
12	2	2	7	Indonesia-Sulawesi-(Celebes)
13	2	2	7	Indonesia-Sumatra
14	2	2	4	Ireland
15	2	2	5	Japan-Hokkaido
16	2	2	5	Japan-Honshu
17	2	2	5	Japan-Kyushu
18	2	2	5	Japan-Shikoku
19	2	2	5	Madagascar
20	2	2	4	New-Guinea
21	2	2	8	New-Zealand-North-Island_1
22	2	2	8	New-Zealand-North-Island_2
23	2	2	8	New-Zealand-South-Island
24	2	2	4	England-Scotland-and-Wales
25	2	2	4	Tierra-del-Fuego
26	3	2	9	Alaska-Atka-Island
27	3	2	9	Alaska-Attu-Island
28	3	2	9	Alaska-Kodiak-Island
29	3	2	9	Alaska-Nunivak-Island
30	3	2	9	Alaska-Saint-Lawrence-Island
31	3	2	9	Alaska-Umnak-Island
32	3	2	9	Alaska-Unalaska-Island
33	3	2	9	Antarctica-Alexander-Island
34	3	2	9	Antarctica-Anvers-Island
35	3	2	9	Antarctica-Bear-Island
36	3	2	9	Antarctica-Brabant-Island
37	3	2	9	Antarctica-Charcot-Island
38	3	2	9	Antarctica-Coronation-Island
39	3	2	9	Antarctica-Guest-Island
40	3	2	9	Antarctica-Joinvile-Island
41	3	2	9	Antarctica-King-George-Island
42	3	2	9	Antarctica-Livingston-Island
43	3	2	9	Antarctica-Roosevelt-Island
44	3	2	9	Antarctica-Ross-Island
45	3	2	5	Australia-Kangaroo-Island
46	3	2	5	Australia-Melville-and-Bathurst-Island
47	3	2	5	Australia-Tasmania
48	3	2	8	Bahamas_1
49	3	2	8	Bahamas_2
50	3	2	8	Bahamas_3
51	3	2	5	Bismarck-Archipelago-New-Britain
52	3	2	5	Bismarck-Archipelago-New-Hanover
53	3	2	5	Bismarck-Archipelago-New-Ireland
54	3	2	8	Canada-Akimiski-Island
55	3	2	8	Canada-Anticosti-Island
56	3	2	8	Canada-Axel-Heiberg-Island
57	3	2	8	Canada-Banks-Island
58	3	2	8	Canada-Bathurst-Island
59	3	2	8	Canada-Belcher-Island
60	3	2	8	Canada-Borden-Island
61	3	2	8	Canada-Brock-Island
62	3	2	8	Canada-Byam-Martin-Island
63	3	2	8	Canada-Bylot-Island
64	3	2	8	Canada-Coats-Island
65	3	2	8	Canada-Cornwall-Island
66	3	2	8	Canada-Cornwallis-Island
67	3	2	8	Canada-Devon-Island
68	3	2	8	Canada-Eglinton-Island
69	3	2	8	Canada-Ellef-Ringnes-and-Amund-Ringnes-Island
70	3	2	8	Canada-Lougheed-Island
71	3	2	8	Canada-Mackenzie-King-Island
72	3	2	8	Canada-Manitoulin-Island
73	3	2	8	Canada-Mansel-Island
74	3	2	8	Canada-Meighen-Island
75	3	2	8	Canada-Melville-Island
76	3	2	8	Canada-Newfoundland-Island
77	3	2	8	Canada-Prince-Charles-Island
78	3	2	8	Canada-Prince-Edward-Island
79	3	2	8	Canada-Prince-Patrick-Island
80	3	2	8	Canada-Prince-of-Wales-Island
81	3	2	8	Canada-Queen-Charlotte-Island
82	3	2	8	Canada-Southampton-Island
83	3	2	8	Canada-Vancouver-Island
84	3	2	4	Canary-Island_1
85	3	2	4	Canary-Island_2
86	3	2	4	Canary-Island_3
87	3	2	4	Canary-Island_4
88	3	2	4	Chile-Isla-de-Chiloe
89	3	2	7	China-Hainan-Dao-Island
90	3	2	5	Corsica
91	3	2	4	Crete
92	3	2	6	Cuba-Isla-de-Pinos
93	3	2	5	Curacao
94	3	2	5	Cyprus
95	3	2	4	Denmark-Fyn
96	3	2	4	Denmark-Lolland
97	3	2	4	Denmark-Sjaelland
98	3	2	4	Faeroe-Island
99	3	2	7	Faulkland-Island
100	3	2	5	Fiji-Vanua-Levu
101	3	2	5	Fiji-Viti-Levu
102	3	2	5	Galapagos-Island
103	3	2	4	Gotland
104	3	2	4	Greece_1
105	3	2	4	Greenland-off-shore-island
106	3	2	5	Guadeloupe-east
107	3	2	5	Guadeloupe-west
108	3	2	4	Haiti-and-the-Dominican-Republic
109	3	2	9	Hawaiian-Island-Hawaii
110	3	2	9	Hawaiian-Island-Kauai
111	3	2	9	Hawaiian-Island-Maui
112	3	2	9	Hawaiian-Island-Niihau
113	3	2	9	Hawaiian-Island-Oahu
114	3	2	9	Iceland
115	3	2	5	Ile-Kerguelen
116	3	2	7	Indonesia-Alor
117	3	2	7	Indonesia-Bali
118	3	2	7	Indonesia-Bangka
119	3	2	7	Indonesia-Bawean
120	3	2	7	Indonesia-Belitung
121	3	2	7	Indonesia-Biak-and-Kepulauan-Schouten
122	3	2	7	Indonesia-Buru
123	3	2	7	Indonesia-Ceram
124	3	2	7	Indonesia-Flores
125	3	2	7	Indonesia-Halmahera
126	3	2	7	Indonesia-Java
127	3	2	7	Indonesia-Kepulauan-Aru
128	3	2	7	Indonesia-Kepulauan-Tanimbar
129	3	2	7	Indonesia-Nias
130	3	2	7	Indonesia-Obi
131	3	2	7	Indonesia-Siberut
132	3	2	7	Indonesia-Sumba
133	3	2	7	Indonesia-Sumbawa-and-Lombok
134	3	2	7	Indonesia-Timor
135	3	2	7	Indonesia-Waigeo
136	3	2	7	Indonesia-Wetar
137	3	2	7	Indonesia-island
138	3	2	7	Jamaica
139	3	2	5	Long-Island
140	3	2	5	Macias-Nguema-Biyogo-(Fernando-Po)
141	3	2	4	Mallorca
142	3	2	5	Martinique
143	3	2	5	Mauritius
144	3	2	5	New-Caledonia-(island)
145	3	2	5	New-Hebrides-Espiritu-Santo
146	3	2	5	New-Hebrides-Malekula
147	3	2	8	New-Zealand-Chatham-Island
148	3	2	8	New-Zealand-Stewart-Island
149	3	2	4	Outer-Hebrides
150	3	2	6	Philippines-Luzon
151	3	2	6	Philippines-Mindanao
152	3	2	6	Philippines-Mindoro
153	3	2	6	Philippines-Palawan
154	3	2	6	Philippines-Panay-Negros-and-Bohol
155	3	2	6	Philippines-Samar
156	3	2	5	Puerto-Rico
157	3	2	5	Reunion-Island
158	3	2	4	Rhodes
159	3	2	5	Samoa-Savaii
160	3	2	5	Samoa-Upolu
161	3	2	8	Sardinia
162	3	2	8	Sicily
163	3	2	5	Solomon-Island-Bougainville
164	3	2	5	Solomon-Island-Guadalcanal
165	3	2	5	Solomon-Island-San-Cristobal
166	3	2	7	South-Georgia-Island
167	3	2	7	Sri-Lanka-(Ceylon)
168	3	2	6	Svalbard
169	3	2	5	Tahiti
170	3	2	4	Taiwan
171	3	2	8	Trinidad-and-Tobago
172	3	2	6	Turks-and-Caicos-Island
173	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_1
174	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_2
175	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_3
176	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_4
177	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_5
178	3	2	4	USSR-Franz-Josef-Land_6
179	3	2	4	USSR-Novaya-Zemlya
180	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Bol'shevik
181	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Bol'shoy-Begichev
182	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Bol'shoy-Lyakhovskiy
183	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Hiiumaa
184	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Iturup
185	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Karaginskiy
186	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Kolguyev
187	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Kotel'nyy-and-Ostrov-Faddeyevskiy
188	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Malyy-Lyakhovskiy
189	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Novaya-Sibir'
190	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Oktyabr'skoy-Revolyutsii-Komsomolets-Pioner
191	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Paramushir
192	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Saaremaa
193	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Sakhalin
194	3	2	4	USSR-Ostrov-Urup
195	3	2	4	USSR-Shantarskiye-Ostrova
196	3	2	4	USSR-Wrangel-Island
197	3	2	8	Yemen-(Aden)-Socotra-Island
198	4	3	3	Black-Sea
199	4	3	3	Canada-Great-Bear-Lake
200	4	3	3	Canada-Great-Slave-Lake
201	4	3	3	Canada-Lake-Athabasca
202	4	3	3	Canada-Lake-Manitoba
203	4	3	3	Canada-Lake-Winnipeg
204	4	3	3	Canada-Lake-Winnipegosis
205	4	3	3	Canada-Reindeer-Lake
206	4	3	3	Caspian-Sea
207	4	3	3	Lake-Chad
208	4	3	3	Lake-Erie
209	4	3	3	Lake-Nyasa
210	4	3	3	Lake-Ontario
211	4	3	3	Lake-Superior
212	4	3	3	Lake-Tanganyika
213	4	3	3	Lake-Victoria
214	4	3	3	Lakes-Michigan-and-Huron
215	4	3	3	USSR-Aral-Sea
216	4	3	3	USSR-Azov-Sea
217	4	3	3	USSR-Lake-Baikal
218	4	3	3	USSR-Lake-Balkhash-(east)
219	4	3	3	USSR-Lake-Balkhash-(west)
220	4	3	3	USSR-Onazhskoye-Ozero
221	4	3	3	USSR-Ozero-Ladozhskoye-(Lake-Ladoga)
222	5	2	6	Afghanistan
223	5	2	9	Alaska
224	5	2	6	Albania
225	5	2	5	Algeria
226	5	2	7	Andorra
227	5	2	7	Angola
228	5	2	7	Angola-exclave-called-Cabinda
229	5	2	6	Argentina
230	5	2	6	Argentina-Tierra-del-Fuego
231	5	2	6	Austria
232	5	2	7	Bangladesh
233	5	2	9	Belgium
234	5	2	5	Belize
235	5	2	6	Benin
236	5	2	6	Bhutan
237	5	2	7	Bolivia
238	5	2	6	Borneo-Brunei
239	5	2	9	Botswana
240	5	2	9	Brazil
241	5	2	8	Bulgaria
242	5	2	6	Burma
243	5	2	7	Burundi
244	5	2	5	Cambodia
245	5	2	6	Cameroon
246	5	2	8	Canada
247	5	2	8	Central-African-Republic
248	5	2	5	Chad
249	5	2	5	Chile
250	5	2	5	Chile-Tierra-del-Fuego
251	5	2	8	China
252	5	2	5	Colombia
253	5	2	5	Congo
254	5	2	5	Costa-Rica
255	5	2	5	Czechoslovakia
256	5	2	5	Denmark-Jutland
257	5	2	7	Disputed-area-between-India-and-China
258	5	2	6	Djibouti
259	5	2	6	Dominican-Republic
260	5	2	6	East-Germany
261	5	2	6	Ecuador
262	5	2	9	Egypt
263	5	2	7	El-Salvador
264	5	2	8	England
265	5	2	9	Equatorial-Guinea
266	5	2	7	Ethiopia
267	5	2	6	Finland
268	5	2	6	France
269	5	2	6	French-Guiana
270	5	2	8	Gabon
271	5	2	5	Gambia
272	5	2	8	Ghana
273	5	2	5	Greece_2
274	5	2	6	Guatemala
275	5	2	8	Guinea
276	5	2	7	Guinea-Bissau
277	5	2	7	Guyana
278	5	2	9	Haiti
279	5	2	8	Honduras
280	5	2	8	Hungary
281	5	2	5	India
282	5	2	8	Indonesia-Borneo-Kalimantan
283	5	2	8	Indonesia-New-Guinea-Irian-Jaya
284	5	2	8	Iran
285	5	2	9	Iraq
286	5	2	8	Ireland-Northern
287	5	2	7	Ireland-Republic
288	5	2	5	Israel
289	5	2	9	Italy
290	5	2	7	Ivory-Coast
291	5	2	8	Jordan
292	5	2	8	Kenya
293	5	2	5	Kuwait
294	5	2	9	Laos
295	5	2	6	Lebanon
296	5	2	9	Lesotho
297	5	2	6	Liberia
298	5	2	7	Libya
299	5	2	7	Liechtenstein
300	5	2	8	Luxembourg
301	5	2	5	Malawi
302	5	2	9	Malaysia-Borneo-Malaysia-Timor
303	5	2	9	Malaysia-Malay-Peninsula
304	5	2	9	Mali
305	5	2	7	Mauritania
306	5	2	8	Mexico
307	5	2	6	Mongolia
308	5	2	8	Morocco
309	5	2	7	Mozambique
310	5	2	5	Namibia
311	5	2	6	Nepal
312	5	2	6	Netherlands
313	5	2	6	New-Guinea-Papua
314	5	2	9	Nicaragua
315	5	2	8	Niger
316	5	2	7	Nigeria
317	5	2	5	North-Korea
318	5	2	7	Norway
319	5	2	7	Oman-northern-section
320	5	2	7	Oman-southern-section
321	5	2	7	Pakistan
322	5	2	8	Panama
323	5	2	8	Paraguay
324	5	2	8	Peru
325	5	2	8	Poland
326	5	2	7	Portugal
327	5	2	7	Qatar
328	5	2	6	Romania
329	5	2	8	Rwanda
330	5	2	6	Saudi-Arabia
331	5	2	5	Scotland
332	5	2	6	Senegal
333	5	2	9	Sierra-Leone
334	5	2	5	Somalia
335	5	2	8	South-Africa
336	5	2	7	South-Korea
337	5	2	5	Spain
338	5	2	6	Sudan
339	5	2	8	Surinam
340	5	2	9	Swaziland
341	5	2	8	Sweden
342	5	2	8	Switzerland
343	5	2	7	Syria
344	5	2	6	Tanzania
345	5	2	8	Thailand
346	5	2	9	Togo
347	5	2	8	Tunisia
348	5	2	6	Turkey
349	5	2	9	US
350	5	2	4	USSR
351	5	2	5	Uganda
352	5	2	5	United-Arab-Emirates
353	5	2	7	Unnamed-neutral-zone-between-Iraq-and-Saudi-Arabia
354	5	2	5	Upper-Volta
355	5	2	5	Uruguay
356	5	2	6	Venezuela
357	5	2	7	Vietnam
358	5	2	6	Wales
359	5	2	7	West-Germany
360	5	2	9	Western-Sahara
361	5	2	9	Yemen-(Aden)
362	5	2	8	Yemen-(Sana)
363	5	2	7	Yugoslavia
364	5	2	9	Zaire
365	5	2	8	Zambia
366	5	2	5	Zimbabwe
367	6	2	7	US-Alabama
368	6	2	4	US-Arizona
369	6	2	7	US-Arkansas
370	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Andros_1
371	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Andros_2
372	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Andros_3
373	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Andros_4
374	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Andros_5
375	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Cat-Island
376	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Eleuthera-Island_1
377	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Eleuthera-Island_2
378	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Eleuthera-Island_3
379	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Grand-Bahama_1
380	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Grand-Bahama_2
381	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Grand-Bahama_3
382	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Great-Abaco-and-Little-Abaco
383	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-Mores-Island
384	6	2	6	US-Bahamas-New-Providence-Island
385	6	2	2	US-Border
386	6	2	6	US-California
387	6	2	6	US-California-San-Clemente-Island
388	6	2	6	US-California-San-Miguel-Island
389	6	2	6	US-California-San-Nicholas-Island
390	6	2	6	US-California-Santa-Catalina-Island
391	6	2	6	US-California-Santa-Cruz-Island
392	6	2	6	US-California-Santa-Rosa-Island
393	6	2	8	US-Colorado
394	6	2	7	US-Connecticut
395	6	2	7	US-Delaware
396	6	2	6	US-Florida
397	6	2	6	US-Florida-Keys_1
398	6	2	6	US-Florida-Keys_2
399	6	2	6	US-Florida-Keys_3
400	6	2	6	US-Florida-Keys_4
401	6	2	6	US-Florida-Pine-Island
402	6	2	6	US-Florida-Sanibel-Island
403	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_1
404	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_2
405	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_3
406	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_4
407	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_5
408	6	2	6	US-Florida-island_6
409	6	2	8	US-Georgia
410	6	2	8	US-Idaho
411	6	2	6	US-Illinois
412	6	2	7	US-Indiana
413	6	2	8	US-Iowa
414	6	2	6	US-Kansas
415	6	2	8	US-Kentucky
416	6	2	4	US-Lake-Champlain-Grand-Isle
417	6	2	4	US-Lake-Erie-Long-Point-(land)
418	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Barrie-Island
419	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Bois-Blanc-Island
420	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Christian-Island
421	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Cockburn-Island
422	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Drummond-Island
423	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Fitzwilliam-Island
424	6	2	4	US-Lake-Huron-Manitoulin-Island
425	6	2	4	US-Lake-Michigan-Beaver-Island
426	6	2	4	US-Lake-Michigan-Manitou-Island
427	6	2	4	US-Lake-Michigan-Washington-Island
428	6	2	4	US-Lake-Ontario-island_1
429	6	2	4	US-Lake-Ontario-island_2
430	6	2	4	US-Lake-Ontario-island_3
431	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Grand-Island
432	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Isle-Royale
433	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Madeline-Island
434	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Michipicoten-Island
435	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Oak-Island
436	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Outer-Island
437	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Pie-Island
438	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-Stockton-Island
439	6	2	4	US-Lake-Superior-island
440	6	2	6	US-Louisiana
441	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-Cat-Island
442	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-Marsh-Island
443	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-Timbalier-Island
444	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_1
445	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_10
446	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_11
447	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_12
448	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_2
449	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_3
450	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_4
451	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_5
452	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_6
453	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_7
454	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_8
455	6	2	6	US-Louisiana-island_9
456	6	2	7	US-Maine
457	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_1
458	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_2
459	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_3
460	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_4
461	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_5
462	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_6
463	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_7
464	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_8
465	6	2	7	US-Maine-island_9
466	6	2	6	US-Maryland-island_1
467	6	2	6	US-Maryland-island_2
468	6	2	6	US-Maryland-island_3
469	6	2	6	US-Maryland-island_4
470	6	2	6	US-Maryland_1
471	6	2	6	US-Maryland_2
472	6	2	6	US-Maryland_3
473	6	2	6	US-Massachusetts
474	6	2	6	US-Massachusetts-Marthas-Vineyard
475	6	2	6	US-Massachusetts-Nantucket-Island
476	6	2	4	US-Michigan-(lower)
477	6	2	4	US-Michigan-(upper)
478	6	2	6	US-Minnesota
479	6	2	6	US-Minnesota-Lake-of-the-Woods-island_1
480	6	2	6	US-Minnesota-Lake-of-the-Woods-island_2
481	6	2	6	US-Minnesota-Lake-of-the-Woods-island_3
482	6	2	6	US-Minnesota-Lake-of-the-Woods-land-west-of-lake
483	6	2	6	US-Minnesota-little-piece
484	6	2	4	US-Mississippi
485	6	2	4	US-Missouri
486	6	2	7	US-Montana
487	6	2	7	US-Nebraska
488	6	2	7	US-Nevada
489	6	2	5	US-New-Hampshire
490	6	2	4	US-New-Jersey
491	6	2	4	US-New-Jersey-island
492	6	2	7	US-New-Mexico
493	6	2	5	US-New-York
494	6	2	5	US-New-York-Fishers-Island
495	6	2	5	US-New-York-Long-Island
496	6	2	5	US-New-York-Shelter-Island
497	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina
498	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-Cape-Fear
499	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_1
500	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_10
501	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_2
502	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_3
503	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_4
504	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_5
505	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_6
506	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_7
507	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_8
508	6	2	6	US-North-Carolina-island_9
509	6	2	5	US-North-Dakota
510	6	2	6	US-Ohio
511	6	2	5	US-Oklahoma
512	6	2	5	US-Oregon
513	6	2	8	US-Pennsylvania
514	6	2	8	US-Rhode-Island
515	6	2	8	US-Rhode-Island-Block-Island
516	6	2	8	US-Rhode-Island-island_1
517	6	2	8	US-Rhode-Island-island_2
518	6	2	8	US-Rhode-Island-island_3
519	6	2	4	US-South-Carolina
520	6	2	4	US-South-Dakota
521	6	2	5	US-Staten-Island
522	6	2	5	US-Tennessee
523	6	2	4	US-Texas
524	6	2	4	US-Texas-Padre-Island
525	6	2	4	US-Texas-island_1
526	6	2	4	US-Texas-island_2
527	6	2	5	US-Utah
528	6	2	4	US-Vermont
529	6	2	4	US-Virginia-island_1
530	6	2	4	US-Virginia-island_2
531	6	2	4	US-Virginia-island_3
532	6	2	4	US-Virginia-island_4
533	6	2	4	US-Virginia_1
534	6	2	4	US-Virginia_2
535	6	2	4	US-Virginia_3
536	6	2	4	US-Virginia_4
537	6	2	4	US-Washington
538	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_1
539	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_2
540	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_3
541	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_4
542	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_5
543	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_6
544	6	2	4	US-Washington-island_7
545	6	2	5	US-West-Virginia
546	6	2	5	US-Wisconsin
547	6	2	6	US-Wyoming
548	7	3	3	US-Canada-lake
549	7	3	3	US-Clark-Hill-Reservoir
550	7	3	3	US-Delaware-bay
551	7	3	3	US-Florida-Lake-Okeechobee
552	7	3	3	US-Florida-lake
553	7	3	3	US-Great-Salt-Lake
554	7	3	3	US-Lake-Champlain
555	7	3	3	US-Lake-Erie
556	7	3	3	US-Lake-George
557	7	3	3	US-Lake-Mead-(east)
558	7	3	3	US-Lake-Mead-(west)
559	7	3	3	US-Lake-Ontario
560	7	3	3	US-Lake-Seminole
561	7	3	3	US-Lake-Saint-Clair
562	7	3	3	US-Lake-Superior
563	7	3	3	US-Lake-Tahoe
564	7	3	3	US-Lake-Texoma
565	7	3	3	US-Lakes-Michigan-and-Huron
566	7	3	3	US-Long-Island-Great-South-Bay
567	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-Calcasieu-Lake
568	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-Grand-Lake
569	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-Lake-Maurepas
570	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-Lake-Pontchartrain
571	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-Sabine-Lake
572	7	3	3	US-Louisiana-White-Lake
573	7	3	3	US-Maryland-inlet
574	7	3	3	US-Massachusetts-bay
575	7	3	3	US-Massachusetts-inlet
576	7	3	3	US-Minnesota-Lake-of-the-Woods
577	7	3	3	US-Minnesota-Namakan-Lake
578	7	3	3	US-Minnesota-Rainy-Lake
579	7	3	3	US-Minnesota-Shoal-Lake
580	7	3	3	US-New-Hampshire-lake_1
581	7	3	3	US-New-Hampshire-lake_2
582	7	3	3	US-New-Jersey-Newark-Bay
583	7	3	3	US-Sault-Sainte-Marie

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