Source code NCL functions and procedures
All of the following functions are written in NCL source code. To use these you must download the
NCL script and use the load command to access them.
- sm11tr - 11 point Trenbreth filter.
- smooth92d - 9 point 2D smoothing function
- vor - computes kinetic vorticity
- hsv2rgb - converts from HSV color model to RGB color model.
- bigger - makes a plot bigger
- centerat - centers a plot at a given point
- map_corners - returns the lat/lon coordinate of the corners of a map projection
- mapzoom - given a lat/lon center point, zooms in on that point
- move - moves a plot by NDC offsets
- moveto - moves a plot to a specific location in NDC units.
- setaspect - sets the aspect ratio of a plot
- plotcolors - plots the current color table
- zoom - zooms in on a plot
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