
Computes geopotential height for a CCM2 hybrid coordinates.

Note: This function is only available in version 4.1.1 of NCL. If your site is licensed for version 4.1, then you can get version 4.1.1 for free. To get version 4.1.1 of NCAR Graphics software, please contact your site representative. If you don't know who your site representative is, then send email to or call (303) 497-1201.


    function cz2ccm(
        ps    : float,
        phis  : float,
        tv    : float,
        p0    : float,
        hyam  : float,
        hybm  : float,
        hyai  : float,
        hybi  : float


input, surface pressure (Pascals). The rightmost dimensions should correspond to latitute (nlat) and longitude (mlon).

input, surface geopotential (m^2/s^2). A 2-dimensional array dimensioned nlat x mlon. Note: if the utility "ccm2nc" was used to convert the original CCM History Tape file to netCDF, this field may have a time dimension of length one. In this case, just use the first time stamp: "phis(0,:,:)" as the argument to the function.

input, virtual temperature. The rightmost three dimensions must correspond to klev, nlat, and mlon.

scalar, input, hybrid base pressure (Pascals). It not available, use 100000.

hybrid coord coefficients for base pressure (layer midpoints; ground to top)

hybrid coordinate coefficients for surface pressure (layer midpoints; ground to top)

hybrid coordinate coefficients for base pressure (layer interfaces; ground to top)

hybrid coordinate coefficients for surface pressure (layer interfaces; ground to top)


cz2ccm calculates geopotential heights for a CCM2 hybrid coordinate system. Note that the hybrid coefficients are ordered ground-to-top (which is the conventional way). Missing values are not allowed. If any of the input arrays have the missing value attribute "_FillValue" set, then a warning message will be printed. Note: This is the *exact* routine used within the CCM Processor.

Example 1

This example reads two files. The first one contains information the second file does not contain. The second file contains daily means of numerous variables for one month (30 time steps). The temperature (T) and specific humidities (Q) are read directly from the file (f->T and f->Q) and are used to calculate the virtual temperature: tv with dimensions time x lev x lat lon. Invoking cz2ccm as indicated below will dynamically return the geopotential heights to z2 [time, lev, lat, lon]. Note that the order of the hybrid coordinates has been temporarily reversed [(::-1)] for the hybrid coefficients to match the input requirements.


  diri    = "/fs/scd/home1/shea/ncldata_input/"
  filphis = ""                       ; file with PHIS field
  f       = addfile (diri+filphis+".nc" , "r") 
                                          ; strip off various fields
  phis    = f->PHIS                       ; read PHIS to memory
  lat     = f->lat
  lon     = f->lon
  lev     = f->lev
  ilev    = f->ilev
  hyam    = f->hyam
  hybm    = f->hybm
  hyai    = f->hyai
  hybi    = f->hybi
  mlon    = dimsizes(lon)
  nlat    = dimsizes(lat)
  klev    = dimsizes(lev)
  delete (f)                          ; not required but good programming practice

  fili    = (/ "" /)
  f       = addfile (diri+fili , "r") ; daily files
  ntimes  = dimsizes(f->time)         ; determine no. time steps (30)

  ps    = f->PS                       ; get sfc pres
  tv    = f->T*(1.+0.61*f->Q)         ; calculate virtual temperature
  p0    = f->P0                       ; get constant

                                      ; calculate z2 at all 30 time steps
  z2 = cz2ccm(ps, phis, tv, p0 \
             ,hyam(::-1), hybm(::-1), hyai(::-1), hybi(::-1) )


Example 2

This is a variation of the previous example. The goal is to get geopotential heights at specified pressure levels after calculating z2 at the hybrid levels. This uses the NCL function "vinth2p" to do the vertical interpolation.


  [snip part one above]

  fili    = (/ "" /)
  f       = addfile (diri+fili , "r") ; daily files
  ntimes  = dimsizes(f->time)         ; determine no. time steps (30)
  klvl    = dimsizes(f->lev)
  nlat    = dimsizes(f->lat)
  mlon    = dimsizes(f->lon)

  ps      = f->PS                     ; get sfc pres
  tv      = f->T*(1.+0.61*f->Q)       ; calculate virtual temperature
  p0      = f->P0                     ; get constant

                                      ; calculate Z2 at all 30 time steps
  Z2 = cz2ccm(ps, phis, tv, p0 \      ; (time,lev,lat,lon)
             ,hyam(::-1), hybm(::-1), hyai(::-1), hybi(::-1) )

  pnew = (/ 850., 500., 200.  /)      ; desired output levels [mb] 
  knew = dimsizes(pnew)
  P0mb = 1000.                        ; reference pressure [mb]
  Znew = new ( (/ntimes,knew,nlat,mlon/) , float)
  do nt=0,ntimes-1                    ; step thru each time step
     Znew(nt,:,:,:) = vinth2p (Z2(nt,:,:,:) ,hyam, hybm, pnew ,ps, 1 ,P0mb, 2, True)
  end do

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