
For each index of dimensions 0..n-2, this function computes the maximum of the n-1 dimension


	function dim_max(
		x : numeric


An array of one or more numeric values of any dimensionality


The dim_max function computes the maximum of all elements of the n-1 dimension for each index of the dimensions 0..n-2. dim_max ignores missing values. The output dimensionality is the same as the first n-2 dimensions of the input.


The following is simplistic example that demonstrates how dim_max works. Try running this example and print out the values to get a better idea of how dim_max works.
; 	Create example array
	a = onedtond(ispan(1,150,1),(/3,5,10/))
; 	Assign dimension names
	a!0 = "time"
	a!1 = "latitude"
	a!2 = "longitude"
;  	Compute maximum of dimension longitude  at all time and latitude points
 	pxy = dim_max(a)
;       Compute maximum of dimension time  at all points latitude and longitude points
;	The following uses Named Subscripting to reorder the input array
;	such that time is the n-1 dimension.
	pyz = dim_max( a(latitude | :, longitude | : , time | :) )


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$Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 1998/06/15 21:29:06 $