dspnt3s, dspnt3d

Routines that interpolate 3-d data at specified points. These routines are part of the Dsgrid package which implements a simple inverse distance weighted interpolation algorithm.


    function dspnt3s(
        x[*]  : float,
        y[*]  : float,
        z[*]  : float,
        u[*]  : float,
        xo[*] : float,
        yo[*] : float,
        zo[*] : float

    function dspnt3d(
        x[*] :  double,
        y[*] :  double,
        z[*] :  double,
        u[*] :  double,
        xo[*] : double,
        yo[*] : double,
        zo[*] : double


1D array of any length (npts) containing the X coordinates of the points where interpolation is desired
1D array of length npts containing the Y coordinates of the points where interpolation is desired
1D array of length npts containing the Z coordinates of the points where interpolation is desired
1D array of length nptscontaining the functional values of the input data points. u(i) is the value of the input function at coordinate (x(i), y(i), z(i)) for i=1,npts.
1D array of length m containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xo may be in any order and m can be equal to one.
1D array of length m containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yo may be in any order and m can be equal to one.
1D array of length m containing the Z coordinates of the output data grid. The values in zo may be in any order and m can be equal to one.


Both the dspnt3s and dspnt3d functions interpolate 3D data at a list of specified points and return the results as a 1D float array dimensioned m.

dspnt3s is the single precision version and dspnt3d is the double precision version.



  NUM = 1000
  NX = 21
  NY = 21
  NZ = 21
  RAND_MAX = 32767.0

  xi = new((/NUM/),float)
  yi = new((/NUM/),float)
  zi = new((/NUM/),float)
  u = new((/NUM/),float)

  xo = new((/NX/),float)
  yo = new((/NY/),float)
  zo = new((/NZ/),float)
  output = new((/NX,NY,NZ/),float)

  xmin = -2.0
  ymin = -2.0
  zmin = -2.0
  xmax =  2.0
  ymax =  2.0
  zmax =  2.0

; Create random data in three space and define a function.
  rand1 = new((/NUM/),float)
  rand2 = new((/NUM/),float)
  rand3 = new((/NUM/),float)
  do i=0,NUM-1
    rand1(i) = rand
    rand2(i) = rand
    rand3(i) = rand
  end do
  xi = xmin+(xmax-xmin)*(rand1 / RAND_MAX)
  yi = ymin+(ymax-ymin)*(rand2 / RAND_MAX)
  zi = zmin+(zmax-zmin)*(rand3 / RAND_MAX)

  u = xi*xi + yi*yi + zi*zi
; Create the output grid.
  ii = fspan(0,20.,21)
  xo = xmin + (ii/(NX-1)) * (xmax-xmin)
  yo = ymin + (ii/(NY-1)) * (ymax-ymin)
  zo = zmin + (ii/(NZ-1)) * (zmax-zmin)

  do i=0,NX-1
    do j=0,NY-1
      do k=0,NZ-1
        dspnt3s(xi, yi, zi, u, xo(i), yo(j), zo(k),output(i,j,k))
      end do
    end do
  end do

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