; Open a NetCDF file containing station observation data.
a =  addfile("data/94072709_sao.cdf","r")

; Open an X workstation.
x = create "x" xWorkstationLayerClass noparent end create

; Create a data object, and assign the x an y arrays the
; latitude and longitude coordinates for each station,
; respectively.
mydata = create "mydata" coordArraysLayerClass noparent
	"caXArray" : a->lon
	"caYArray" : a->lat
	"caXMissingV" : -9999.0
	"caYMissingV" : -9999.0
end create

; Create a data-dependent object for assigning color
; and marker information unique to this data object.
xy_dep = create "xy_dep" xyDataDepLayerClass noparent
	"dsDataItem" : mydata
	"xyMarker" : 3
	"xyMarkerMode": "MARKERSONLY"
	"xyMarkerColor": 4
	"xyMarkerSizeF": .015
end create

; Create an HLU XyPlot instance.
xy_plot = create "xy_plot" xyPlotLayerClass x
	"vpXF" : .15
	"vpYF" : .85
	"vpWidthF" : .7
	"vpHeightF" : .7
	"xyCurveData" : xy_dep 
	"tiMainOn" : "True"
	"tiMainString" : "Surface Station Locations"
	"tiXAxisOn" : "True"
	"tiXAxisString" : "Lattitude"
	"tiYAxisOn" : "True"
	"tiYAxisString" : "Longitude"
	"xyYMinF" : 20.00
	"xyYMaxF" : 60.0
	"xyXMinF" : -70.0
	"xyXMaxF" : -125.0
end create

; Draw the XyPlot object.

; Update the workstation to ensure that all symbols and primitives
; are drawn.