procedure xy_zoom(
	plot[1]:graphic,	; XyPlot instance
	x[1]:float,		; x coordinate to zoom around
	y[1]:float,		; y coordinate to zoom around
	scale[1]:integer	; scale factor to zoom by
	x0,		; holds original x coordinate of plot viewport
	y0,		; holds original x coordinate of plot viewport
	height0,	; holds original height value for the plot viewport
	width0, 	; holds original width value for the plot viewport
	centerx,	; holds the NDC values of the data parameter x
	centery,	; holds the NDC values of the data parameter y
	xl,		; holds the new NDC x value for upper left corner
	xr,		; holds the new NDC x value for upper left corner
	yt,	; holds the new NDC x value for upper left corner
	yb,	; holds the new NDC x value for upper left corner
	deltax,		; NDC spacing from center point
	deltay,		; NDC spacing from center point
	new_left,		; NDC spacing from center point
	new_right,		; NDC spacing from center point
	new_top, 		; NDC spacing from center point
	new_bottom,		; NDC spacing from center point
	xd_min1,		; Final minimum x data coordinate
	yd_min1,		; Final minimum y data coordinate
	xd_max1,		; Final maximum data coordinate
	yd_max1			; Final maximum data coordinate
; First retrieve original values.
	getvalues plot
		"vpXF" : x0
		"vpYF" : y0
		"vpHeightF" : height0
		"vpWidthF" : width0
	end getvalues
; Allocate temporary variables.
	centerx = new(1,float)
	centery = new(1,float)
	xl = new(1,float)
	xr = new(1,float)
	yt = new(1,float)
	yb = new(1,float)
; Compute NDC unit around which the center will be.
; Determine NDC height and width offsets.
	deltax = width0 / (2.0 * scale)
	deltay = height0 / (2.0 * scale)
; Compute new NDC edges of plot.
	new_left = centerx - deltax
	new_right = centerx + deltax
	new_top = centery + deltay
	new_bottom = centery - deltay
; Map NDC to data. Check for center or any of the extents being out of
; the data range; if so, clip to the correct area.
; ndctodata fills in missing values when the input is out of range,
; requiring the program to check the result for consisnt
		new_left = x0
	end if
		new_top = y0
	end if
		new_right = x0 + width0
	end if
		new_bottom = y0 - height0
	end if
; Determine real minimums and maximums.
		xd_min1 = xr
		xd_max1 = xl
		xd_min1 = xl
		xd_max1 = xr
	end if
		yd_min1 = yt
		yd_max1 = yb
		yd_min1 = yb
		yd_max1 = yt
	end if
; Set final values of new data extents.
	setvalues plot
		"xyXMinF" : xd_min1
		"xyXMaxF" : xd_max1
		"xyYMinF" : yd_min1
		"xyYMaxF" : yd_max1
	end setvalues