- Basics
- Points
- Lines
Perimeters, Ticks, Grids, And Labels
- Surfaces
- Stereo
- Internal Parameters
- The Reference Parallelogram
- Initialization Routines:
- TDINIT - define eye position,
line of sight, up
direction, and stereo flag
- TDPARA - define the reference
- TDCLRS - define colors for TDPACK
- Parameter-Access Routines:
- TDGETI - get the integer value of
an internal parameter
- TDGETR - get the real value of an
internal parameter
- TDGTRS - get the definition of a
specified rendering style
- TDSETI - set the integer value of
an internal parameter
- TDSETR - set the real value of an
internal parameter
- TDSTRS - define a specified
rendering style
- Point-Transforming Routines:
- TDPRPT - from 3-space to the
projection plane
- TDPRPA - from the plane of the
reference parallelogram
to the projection plane
- TDPRPI - from the projection plane
to the plane of the
reference parallelogram
- Line-Drawing Routines:
- TDLINE - draw the projection of a
line in 3-space
- TDLNPA - draw the projection of a
line in the plane of the
reference parallelogram
- Grid-Drawing Routines:
- TDGRDS - draw the grids on all the
faces of a box in 3-space
- TDGRID - draw the grid on a
particular face of a box
in 3-space
- Label-Drawing Routines:
- TDLBLS - draw labels for all faces
of a box in 3-space
- TDLBLA - draw labels for a
particular face of a box
in 3-space
- TDPLCH - draw characters in the
plane of the reference
- Surface-Drawing Routines:
- TDDTRI - draw triangles defined by
a triangle list
- TDSTRI - add triangles defining a
simple surface to a
triangle list
- TDITRI - add triangles defining
an isosurface to a triangle
- TDMTRI - add triangles defining
a 3D marker to a triangle
- TDOTRI - order the triangles in a
triangle list for proper
- TDSORT - generic sorting routine
- Simplified-Interface Routines:
- TDEZ2D - simplified interface for
drawing a surface
- TDEZ3D - simplified interface for
drawing an isosurface
- Parameters Accessed Using TDGETI,
- 'CS1' (Character Size 1)
- 'CS2' (Character Size 2)
- 'FOV' (Field Of View)
- 'HND' (Handedness)
- 'LSU', 'LSV', and 'LSW' (Light
Source Position)
- 'SET' (Do-SET-Call Flag)
- 'SHD' (Shading Type Flag)
- 'STE' (Stereo Type Flag)
- 'VPB', 'VPL', 'VPR', and
'VPT' (Viewport Specifiers)
- Parameters Accessed in
Other Ways
- Rendering-Style
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- C Example 1