This is the README file for the main directory of the Melkes package of interpolation routines, so named after ref. [0]. The Melkes routines may be used for polynomial interpolation based on data given on the vertices of a box in an arbitrary number of dimensions. The data may be function values only, or function values and gradients, or function values, gradients and Hessians. Routines are supplied to evaluate only the interpolant, or the interpolant and its gradient, or the interpolant, its gradient and its Hessian. The interpolating polynomial for Melkes interpolation may be described as a reduced Hermite polynomial --- reduced by comparison with the full tensor product form. A precise mathematical description follows; note that this describes the extension to an arbitrary number of dimensions of what is called "Type-II" interpolation in Melkes's original paper [0]. Let p be a nonnegative integer, which will characterize the order of the interpolation, and let d denote the number of dimensions. Consider a box in R^d. The required data for Melkes interpolation with parameter p are function values and derivatives of total order less than p, all given at each vertex of the box. Let x stand for a generic point in R^d, and let m be a d-vector of nonnegative integers. Then the monomial x^m is included in the expansion of the interpolating polynomial if and only if the sum of floor(m(k)/2), where k ranges over the d dimension indices, is less than p. Here, floor(t0) means t0 rounded down to integer. Thus, Melkes interpolation with parameter p includes in the expansion all monomials of total order less than 2*p, and has 2*p order of accuracy for smooth functions. A q-th order derivative of the interpolant will provide 2*p-q order of accuracy. It may be verified that for each case (characterized by p and d) the number of data items (function and derivative values at vertices) is indeed equal to the number of monomials in the expansion. Let us work out the lowest-order cases in complete detail. The case p=0 is trivial: there are no data, and there are no monomials in the expansion. The interpolating function is identically zero, which is zeroth order accurate. (We did not implement this case in the package). The case p=1 corresponds to multilinear interpolation. It requires function values only, and the terms in the interpolating polynomial are characterized by having degree equal to 0 or 1 in each variable. This interpolation is second order accurate for function values, first order for gradients, and zeroth order accurate (that is, not convergent) for second derivatives. The case p=2 may be the most interesting one in practice. As data it requires function values and gradients at all vertices. The monomials in the interpolating polynomial are characterized by having degree less than or equal to 3 in every variable and degree exceeding 1 in at most one variable. The interpolation will provide 4th order accuracy for function values. The case p=3 is the highest order implemented in the present package. It requires function values, gradients and Hessians at all vertices. In addition to the monomials included in the expansion for the case p=2, now are also included monomials having degree 2 or 3 in two variables and degree 0 or 1 in all others, and those having degree 4 or 5 in one variable and degree 0 or 1 in all others. It is of interest to compare the case p=2 with tensor product splines. Both methods give fourth order of accuracy. On each elementary box, the local polynomial for tensor product spline interpolation is characterized by 4^d coefficients whereas the Melkes polynomial is characterized by (d+1)*2^d coefficients. The Melkes polynomial is defined by strictly local data, and so is less tied to a Cartesian product mesh than is spline interpolation. Especially, Melkes interpolation will be ideally suited for use with local Cartesian mesh refinement. However, Melkes interpolation with p=2 has with respect to spline interpolation the disadvantage of requiring also first derivative data at verices. In some cases these might be obtained, for example, by use of one-dimensional spline interpolations. A manuscript or paper describing the present implementation of Melkes interpolation will follow in 2002. In the mean time, prospective users of the package are asked to contact the author, B. J. Braams, at, and also to make do primarily with the internal routine documentations. Two additional files in this directory provide some help. The file INSTALL gives rudimentary installation instructions. I need further experience with multiple platforms, and some outside advice, before finalizing these instructions. The file USERDOC provides basic instructions for use of the package. [0] Frantisek Melkes: Reduced Piecewise Bivariate Hermite Interpolations. Numer. Math. 19 (1972) 326--340.