nubeam_driver is a time dependent NUBEAM driver, allowing for a variation of the background plasma profiles and signals from a NUBEAM call to the next. Authors: Michael Kraus, IPP, Giovanni Tardini, IPP, ######### # INPUT # ######### %%%%%%% U-files Equilibrium: - plasma current (time) - Equilibrium R,z (time,rho_eq,theta) (full equilibrium) - R*Bphi as a function (time,rho_eq) (the poloidal dependence, very weak, is averaged out) - q 9safety factor) and p (total pressure) profiles (time,rho_eq) Kinetic profiles (time,rho): Beware: TRANSP units, i.e. eV, CM**-3, CM/s. Conversion factors for NUBEAM units are applied automatically! - Electron and ion temperature profiles - Electron density profile - Toroidal velocity profiles Heating: - NBI power (time,beamline) %%%%%%% Namelist A single namelist (.nml) file contains: - machine configuration, previously .mdescr (read by PS_MDESCR_READ) - shot configuration, previously .sconfig (read by PS_SCONFIG_READ) - NUBEAM initialisation, previously .init (read by NBI_CTRL_INIT_READ) - several specifications like shot number, inital simulation time, final time, amount of time steps, debug level, switch for toroidal velocity, plasma current (optional, otherwise from Ufile) - NBI parameters for each beamline: voltage and energy fractions; NBI power optional (otherwise from Ufile) - prefixes and suffixes of the input u-files - sf_flag is an AUGD speficic feature enabling shotfile output %%%%%%% I/O paths Unless an inputdir is explicitely defined with the option -idir in the command line nubeam_driver -id -tok -idir , by default the whole input (namelist and u-files) is expected to be in $HOME/nb_client/// where is the shot number contained in and the remaining part of the string Unless a workpath is explicitely defined with the option -wdir in the command line nubeam_driver -id -tok -wdir , by default the output is stored in $HOME/nb_client/// %%%%%%% FBM It is possible to store the fast ion distribution function at given times. For each run, up to 9 time points are allowed. You have to set the time points in the array OUTTIM, in the namelist '&run' contained in the namelist file. %%%%%%% Example of running at non-IPP sites: If your Ufiles reside in $TR_DISK/NSTX/135416 and you would like the output in $WORKDIR/NSTX: nubem_driver -id 135416S02 -tok NSTX -idir $TR_DISK/NSTX/135416 -wdir $WORKDIR/NSTX also: nubeam_driver help %%%%%%% 'birth' files - the list of ions actually deposited for subsequent following in orball(...). This does not depend on NDEP0 but rather on our census control based on NPTCLS (it would vary from step to step based on beam power history and our census control logic). User need to make a following settings: nltrk_dep0 = 1 (or 0 if no track and birth files are needed) and outtim times when these data will be stored and written 1. final name for birth data is _nubeam_birth.cdf where nouttim reflects outtim time for example if outtim(1) = 0.39, 0.55 you will get outputs _nubeam_birth.cdf1 for 0.39 and _nubeam_birth.cdf2 for 0.55 2. old files _birth* in 'workpath' directory will be deleted as they can interfere with data from new run. They could be a leftover from crashed run. 3. _nubeam_birth.cdf in 'workpath' directory will be rewritten. You have to move this file from 'workpath' directory if you need them. If you wish I can add this to nubeam_driver. 4. If few time steps are fit to this time window then 'birth' data will be concatenated to one file