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Documentation Standards:


Standard: Provide Name of contact person for support.
Yes, in the documentation
Standard: Provide Date of last revision.
Yes, in the documentation and in the source files.
Standard: Provide at least comments describing module or code, citations to publications (if any), and range of validity.
There are detailed comments in source files along with the references to publications.
Standard: Specify the precision of floating point calculations.
The AJAX version of the module supports single and double precision. The XPLASMA version works only with double precision settings. This limitation is noticed in the documentation. There is a posible problem with compatibility on some computers related to the fact that the TRACK module uses Kind statement to declare double precision real variables and XPLASMA uses Real*8 declaration. These declarations could be treated differently, when the module is compiled with 64-bit Fortran compiler.
Standard: Provide index of input-output variables for each module (include type of variable, dimensions, units).
Yes, it's in source files and in the pdf documentation file.
Standard: List dependencies - names of external routines called.
Standard: Provide statement of known bugs.
Goal: Index of modules, routines, variables.
Goal: Publication of code or module in journal (such as Computer Physics Communications).
The references are in the source files.
Goal: Online hyper-text reference documentation.
Not necessary.
Goal: Interactive online help menus.
Not necessary.

Mon Jul 8 11:21:58 EDT 2002