- Abstract
- The NUBEAM module is a Monte Carlo package for time
dependent modeling of fast ion species in an axisymmetric
tokamak. Multiple fast ion species can be present,
due either to beam injection of energetic neutral particles,
or as a result of the product of nuclear fusion reactions.
The model self consistently handles classical guiding
center drift orbiting, collisional and atomic physics
effects during the slowing down of the fast specie
population (represented by an ensemble of Monte Carlo
model particles), with options for sawtooth-induced
or anomolous radial diffusion, in a time evolving plasma
with nested magnetic flux surfaces represented by a
numerical MHD equilibrium.
- DateOfInformation
- Thr Jun 18 12:58:41 2009
- Domain
- Heating
- Keyword
- Monte Carlo, Fast Ion, Axisymmetric Tokamak
- Language
- Fortran 90
- Name
- Version
- xshare & tshare
- VersionDate
- 06/15/09
- Webpage
- ContactIs
- Doug McCune
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