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PPPL has implemented a process for evaluating proposals for experiments on TFTR.
Experimental proposals (XPs) are first presented to and reviewed by a selected
task force. This initial review is informal, and is intended to be wide-ranging.
Often an experiment is changed significantly on the basis of review within the
task force. All aspects of the proposed experiment are reviewed, but the
important issues tend to fall into one of the following categories:
- Does the experiment address an important question in tokamak physics?
- Does the proposed experiment make use of unique TFTR capabilities?
Could it be done elsewhere?
- Can the proposed experiment actually answer the questions it
seeks to address, e.g. do we have the necessary diagnostics?
- Are the proposed machine conditions (R, a, Bt, Ip, Pb,
, Wtot) feasible and are they consistent with
diagnostic limitations, e.g. the CHERS diagnostic for measuring
Ti and
requires that sources from beamline 5 be
- What limiter conditions are required, low recycling or
highly saturated with deuterium?
- What can be done to minimize the risk of disruption?
- How much tritium does the experiment require?
- Optimization of the proposed sequence of shots, e.g., how to order the
shots by plasma current, heating power, tritium usage, etc.
- Can the shot list be reduced? The XP proposer is generally asked to
identify the highest priority shots, to be prepared for the possibility
that the allocated run time is later decreased due to scheduling or technical
If the XP involves the use of tritium, it is then presented to the entire TFTR group at
a physics meeting. Comments, suggestions, objections, etc., from this meeting
are recorded in the form of written ``chits''. The proposer's responses to these
chits, including any changes to the XP itself, are reviewed by a committee headed by
Rich Hawryluk. This committee either approves the XP or else sends it back for revision.
Once approved, the XP is stamped with an XP number and becomes an offcial
TFTR document. Subsequent changes to the proposed shot conditions in an XP
must be approved in writing, on a special form, by Kevin Mcguire or Rich Hawryluk.
In practice, this requirement has not proven to be a significant impediment.
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Up: TFTR Physics Collaborator Guide
Previous: Documentation Sources
Marilee Thompson
Thu Jul 10 14:31:47 EDT 1997