A frame in CUPLOT is a box on the plot page. A page may contain one or more frames. Each frame may contain one or more curves.
CUPLOT stores data internally in frame/curve slots. In order to read, you specify data for one or more slots and specify any initial processing. All the data for each data entity is read in, even if you have set a view window to plot only a subset of the data. After reading the data, you can specify further processing or adjust the plot appearance.
The number of frames on a CUPLOT output page is the number of names entered in the DE command. The SH shot applies to all frames. Frames are numbered going down each column of the page. The default is to put 3 frames per column. When there are more than 2 columns, the data element name(s) are used as the frame title instead of the data description. The number of arguments expected by many CUPLOT commands changes to match the number of data elements you have entered.
An alternative way to specify the data elements is to use the DC and DF commands described in section 4.5.
Command[ ]? SH 55806Command[ ]? DE MB-IP-SL NB-BP-SL NE-SS-CW FM-LD-05 ;
Command[ ]? D1 ,,,,Next device[ ]? SH-VB-SL TS-TE-PR:TS-RA-PS ;
Command[ ]? XT 3 5Command[ ]? XM
MB-IP-SL, Low limit[3.]? ,, !keep these limits
NB-BP-SL, Low limit[3.]? ,, ,, ,, ,,
TS-TE-PR, Low limit[3.]? 180. !change these
TS-TE-PR, High limit[5.]? 350.
Command[ ]? YT 0 ACommand[ ]? YM
MB-IP-SL, Low limit[0.]? ,,
NB-BP-SL, Low limit[0.]? ,, ,, ,, ,,
TS-TE-PR, Low limit[0.]? 0
TS-TE-PR, High limit[0.]? 10
Command[ ]? PS 3 ; !plot frame 3Command[ ]? PS 2 5 ; !plot frames 2 and 5