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Vector Calculator


CUPLOT contains a general vector calculator. Calculator commands are entered in Reverse Polish notation (``data1 data2 operation'' means ``data1 operation data2''). Intermediate results are stored in a work array named ``W''. The arithmetic functions (+, -, *, /) can operate on two vectors or a vector and a scalar. Scalars can be constants or the variables A1 to A12. The result of all operations except the Average function is a vector. You must store the result into a frame/curve slot before leaving the calculator.

invokes the calculator; use ``;'' or ``/B'' to leave.

	Command[ ]? SH 55806  DE FM-N0-NE M-TAUE ; R

Command[ ]? XT 2.5 4.5

Command[ ]? CA

CALC[ ]? F1 F2 * !multiply F1C1 * F2C1

CALC[ ]? 1. W / !divide 1. / W

CALC[ ]? F3 = !store result in F3C1

CALC[ ]? ; !exit the calculator

Command[ ]? PS 3 ; !plot frame 3

The calculator functions are:

+ Add 2 vectors or vector and scalar

F1 F2 + F1C1 + F2C1

F1 .5 + F1C1 + .5

- Subtract 2 vectors or vector and scalar

F1 F2 - F1C1 - F2C1

F1 .5 - F1C1 - .5

* Multiply 2 vectors or vector and scalar

F1 F2 * F1C1 * F2C1

F1 1.E6 * F1C1 * 1.E6

/ Divide 2 vectors or vector and scalar

F1 F2 / F1C1 / F2C1

F1 1.E6 / F1C1 / 1.E6

D Differentiate a vector

F1 D derivative of F1C1

I Integrate a vector

F1 I integral of F1C1

E Exponentiate a vector

F1 E e ** F1C1

L Take the log of a vector

F1 L ln(F1C1)

A Take the average of a vector

F1 A A1 = store average of F1C1 in A1

F Low pass filter a vector

F1 .05 F filter F1C1 using window of .05

Take a vector to a scalar power

F1 .5 F1C1 ** .5 (square root of F1C1)

CH List the calculator directives

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 12:49:48 EDT 1997