If you are using VersatermPRO and want to transfer the plot to MacDraw or print it on a Macintosh LaserWriter or the HLDAS color printer, you should generate a 4105 mode plot. A 4105 plot permits color lines, rotated text, and several other features not available in 4014 mode. There are two ways to do this:
Before running CUPLOT: DEFINE TERMINAL_4105 YESblank
Inside CUPLOT: O 41 Y
Be sure to revert to 4014 mode to create plots to be displayed on other terminals or printed on a VAX laser printer:
Before running CUPLOT: DEAS TERMINAL_4105blank
Inside CUPLOT: O 41 N
In VersatermPRO, under the Emulation menu when 4105 is selected, be sure you have:
Scale Text uncheckedForm Polygons checked
Tek 4107 ID checked
To print on the HC0 color printer: