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Appending Databases

Append database B to a master database A. The parameters are determined by those in A. If B contains a parameter that is not in A, it is ignored. If A contains a parameter that is not in B, then its value is set to NODATA for each record added from B. Only the expressions of A are included. So A is the master database and B is just a set of records that are appended to it.

Suppose we want to add the data in TESCALAD to TESCAL.

       TESCAL                     TESCALAD

       SHOT    IP     TE          SHOT    VL      IP     TE
       83001   400    2.1         82995   1.3     380    1.8
       83002   410    2.2         82996   1.25    375    1.75
       83003   450    3.0         82997   1.5     400    2.0
       83004   430    2.8
       83005   445    2.9
       Program <>: APPEND

       Master database?                TESCAL
       Create a new version of TESCAL? Y
       Database to append to TESCAL?   TESCALAD

       TESCALAD appended to TESCAL.

The resulting TESCAL:

       SHOT    IP      TE
       83001   400     2.1
       83002   410     2.2
       83003   450     3.0
       83004   430     2.8
       83005   445     2.9
       82995   380     1.8
       82996   375     1.75
       82997   400     2.0
If you want to include VL in the master database, add the parameter VL to TESCAL before appending TESCALAD. You can easily do this with the EDIT program.
       Program <>: EDIT

       Database file <TESCAL>?         ,
       Edit option?                    AP
       Parameter to add?               VL ; 
       Edit option?                    \G APPEND
Now when TESCALAD is appended to the master database, VL will have a NODATA value for shots 83001 to 83005. For shots 82995 to 82997 VL will be set from its value in TESCALAD.

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 17:05:56 EDT 1997