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Density Normalization

SNAPIN reads all of the 10 chord-integrated electron density measurements provided by the vertically-viewing MIRI diagnostic. A proper normalization of the Thomson scattering profile measurement of ne(R) to one of these chords would iteratively

The process would be iterative because the geometry involved in the mapping of ne(R) to ne(r) requires the Shafranov shift as a function of radius, which may change as SNAP converges on its solution of the beam and thermal pressure, and j(r) profile. In principle, any of the MIRI chords could be used in this fashion to normalize the Thomson scattering measurement of ne(R) accurately.

However, up through release 6.0 of SNAP this algorithm is not used. Instead, irrespective of which MIRI chord is selected as the one to be used for normalization, it is treated as a horizontal line integral measurement of . The Thomson scattering measurement is then normalized so that its horizontal integral of equals the MIRI value. Note that the Thomson measurement of ne(R) is performed in the horizontal midplane, so mapping to minor radius is not required to evaluate its in this algorithm. The practical consequences of using this more rudimentary algorithm are:

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997