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Naming Conventions for Profile Arrays

A quasi-standard has been devised to identify the profile arrays where name = QUANTITY:SOURCE:OPERATION.

Note: As part of its transport analysis, SNAP computes a large number of other arrays (functions of minor radius), which are also stored in the SNAP archives. The array names for these quantities are not defined according to the template described above. In particular, they will not, in general, have the suffix _ZC, even though they are defined on the minor radius grid. Instead, the names are chosen to represent as succinctly as possible the physical quantity of interest, e.g., QBI for local beam power density delivered to beam ions.

One minor convention is followed: a prefix Q generally implies a power density, P implies a volume-integrated power density, TD a torque density, and T a volume-integrated torque. There are exceptions of course to this rule, e.g., QNEO is the neoclassical q profile, and TI_1 is the temperature profile of the first ion species.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997