A useful bulletin to look at is TFTR_SHOTS. An entry is made for each good shot when it is available for analysis on the cluster. If you look before noon, this bulletin has all today's and yesterday's shots; after noon, it has today's shots. The important information is in the header of each bulletin, so a ``directory'' list gives a one-line summary of the shots:
$ BULLETIN TFTR_SHOTS select board on the command line > 1 to see parameter descriptions TIME: time of peak ETOT when PBEAM or PICH is non-zero; otherwise the end of the plasma current flattop. IP: the MB-IP-SL waveform in MW. FM#6: Nel from FM-LD-06. PBEAM: from NB-BP-SL in MW. PICH: from IC-PI-SL in MW. ETOT: from M-ETOT in MJ. TAUE: from M-TAUE.
> dir to see shot summary # Description Date shot time Ip fm#6 Pbeam Pich Etot taue time 8-SEP 42388 3.47 1.09 3.13 8.76 0.00 1.14 0.13 14:06 10-OCT 42389 3.38 1.09 3.41 10.58 0.00 1.26 0.12 14:14 10-OCT 42390 3.40 1.09 3.41 10.62 0.00 1.28 0.12 14:21 10-OCTTo create a file with one line for each shot, do:
bull> file/all/nohead[/new] shots.lisWith the /new switch a new file is created; otherwise it appends to the file if it exists.
To keep abreast of shots while in your office, use ``set notify'' for TFTR_SHOTS.