Dr. Nikolai Gorelenkov is a Research Physicist at the Princeton
Plasma Physics Laboratory. He graduated from Moscow State University
with a degree in the physics department in 1988. He was within the
top 10% of the Moscow State University graduates. After graduation,
Nikolai Gorelenkov was hired by Troitsk branch of the Kurchatov
Institute (now TRINITI - Troitsk
Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research). From 1990 to 1993,
Dr. Gorelenkov attended the postgraduate program at the Russian
Scientific Center in the Kurchatov Institute for PhD candidates.
Upon completion of this program and five years of research at
TR1NITI, Nikolai Gorelenkov defended his thesis for the title of
Candidate of the Physics and Mathematics Sciences (Russian
equivalent of PhD). Academician B. B. Kadomtsev chaired his thesis
committee and his thesis advisor was Dr. S.V. Putvinski. The title
of his thesis was ‘Neoclassical Alpha Particle Distribution
Function and Instabilities of Alfven Eigenmodes in Tokamak
Plasmas”. Shortly after this in 1993 Dr. Gorelenkov became a
Visiting Research Scholar at PPPL under US/Russia exchange program.
Since 1999, Dr. Gorelenkov has been a Research Physicist at PPPL. He
has published 73 papers in referred journals, with 28 papers as a
first author. Dr. Gorelenkov has given invited talks at many
international and national conferences, such as IAEA, APS and
Sherwood plasma theory meetings. He is an experienced computer user,
skilled in different operating systems and environments, including
MS-Windows, UNIX, and X Windows. He has written several numerical
codes in FORTRAN and C.
Dr. Gorelenkov is a world-renowned expert in the physics of fast
particle dynamics in plasmas. He has investigated fast particle
dynamics in tokamak plasmas, numerically and analytically, including
such effects as finite orbit width on their velocity space
distributions. His theory of Ion Cyclotron Emission (ICE) from
tokamaks has been instrumental in understanding many experimental
observations on TFTR, NSTX and other machines. Recently, based on
new measurements of ICE-like events in NSTX, he has developed a new
theory describing Compressional Alfven Eigenmodes in low aspect
ratio plasmas, which has been used successfully to understand
observations of these modes in NSTX. Since 1998, he has been
actively involved in the modeling and analysis of experiments on
different tokamaks worldwide, such as JET in the UK, JT6O-U in
Japan, and DIll-D in the U.S. He has written the high-n stability
code H1NST and the modified NOVA-K code, which were successfully
applied to understand conditions of excitation of different branches
of Alfren mode and sawteeth in a range of tokamak devices. The H1NST
and NOVA codes have been applied by him to study burning plasmas in
order to predict the stability Alfven modes in next step burning
experiments including ITER and FIRE.