1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 at zeff reading kode= 0 in read_all_namelists after read_uniform_column_profile or read_nonuniform_line_profile nj_tab_zeff1 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 before read_diskf after read_diskf before emission after emission ************************************************** check_read has found the negative value of iostat The end of input in the given namelist emission was detected. It can be that namelist emission is absent in genray.in file Check data in emission in the file genray.in ************************************************** before ox after ox ************************************************** check_read has found the negative value of iostat The end of input in the given namelist ox was detected. It can be that namelist ox is absent in genray.in file Check data in ox in the file genray.in ************************************************** before read adj_nml after read adj_nml ************************************************** check_read has found the negative value of iostat The end of input in the given namelist adj_nml was detected. It can be that namelist adj_nml is absent in genray.in file Check data in adj_nml in the file genray.in ************************************************** in read_write_genray_input.f i_adj= 0 Resetting i_adj to 0 for ieffic= 2 before edge_prof_nml ************************************************** check_read has found the negative value of iostat The end of input in the given namelist edge_prof_nml was detected. It can be that namelist edge_prof_nml is absent in genray.in file Check data in edge_prof_nml in the file genray.in ************************************************** after edge_prof_nml &EDGE_PROF_NML I_EDGE_DENS_ANAL = 0, I_EDGE_DENS_RZ_MESH = 0, N_POL_EDGE_DENS = 100, SIGMEDGN = 2.000000000000000E-002, SIGMEDGT = 2.000000000000000E-002, THETA_POL_EDGE_DENS_AR_DEGREE = 0.000000000000000E+000, 3.63636363636364 , 7.27272727272727 , 10.9090909090909 , 14.5454545454545 , 18.1818181818182 , 21.8181818181818 , 25.4545454545455 , 29.0909090909091 , 32.7272727272727 , 36.3636363636364 , 40.0000000000000 , 43.6363636363636 , 47.2727272727273 , 50.9090909090909 , 54.5454545454545 , 58.1818181818182 , 61.8181818181818 , 65.4545454545455 , 69.0909090909091 , 72.7272727272727 , 76.3636363636364 , 80.0000000000000 , 83.6363636363636 , 87.2727272727273 , 90.9090909090909 , 94.5454545454546 , 98.1818181818182 , 101.818181818182 , 105.454545454545 , 109.090909090909 , 112.727272727273 , 116.363636363636 , 120.000000000000 , 123.636363636364 , 127.272727272727 , 130.909090909091 , 134.545454545455 , 138.181818181818 , 141.818181818182 , 145.454545454545 , 149.090909090909 , 152.727272727273 , 156.363636363636 , 160.000000000000 , 163.636363636364 , 167.272727272727 , 170.909090909091 , 174.545454545455 , 178.181818181818 , 181.818181818182 , 185.454545454545 , 189.090909090909 , 192.727272727273 , 196.363636363636 , 200.000000000000 , 203.636363636364 , 207.272727272727 , 210.909090909091 , 214.545454545455 , 218.181818181818 , 221.818181818182 , 225.454545454545 , 229.090909090909 , 232.727272727273 , 236.363636363636 , 240.000000000000 , 243.636363636364 , 247.272727272727 , 250.909090909091 , 254.545454545455 , 258.181818181818 , 261.818181818182 , 265.454545454545 , 269.090909090909 , 272.727272727273 , 276.363636363636 , 280.000000000000 , 283.636363636364 , 287.272727272727 , 290.909090909091 , 294.545454545455 , 298.181818181818 , 301.818181818182 , 305.454545454545 , 309.090909090909 , 312.727272727273 , 316.363636363636 , 320.000000000000 , 323.636363636364 , 327.272727272727 , 330.909090909091 , 334.545454545455 , 338.181818181818 , 341.818181818182 , 345.454545454545 , 349.090909090909 , 352.727272727273 , 356.363636363636 , 360.000000000000 , SIGMEDGN_AR = 100*2.000000000000000E-002 , DENS_MIN_EDGE = 10000000000000.0 , TEMP_MIN_EDGE = 1.000000000000000E-003, THETA_POL_EDGE_1_DEGREE = 90.0000000000000 , THETA_POL_EDGE_2_DEGREE = 270.000000000000 , SIGMA_THETA_POL_EDGE_1_DEGREE = 90.0000000000000 , SIGMA_THETA_POL_EDGE_2_DEGREE = 90.0000000000000 , SIGMA_EDGEN_0 = 2.000000000000000E-002, SIGMA_EDGEN_1 = 2.000000000000000E-002, SIGMA_EDGEN_2 = 2.000000000000000E-002, SIGMA_WALL_N = 1.000000000000000E-003, SIGMA_LIM_TOROIDAL_DEGREE = 1.000000000000000E-003, NXEQD_ADD = 1000, NYEQD_ADD = 1000 / ************************************************** check_read has found the negative value of iostat The end of input in the given namelist lsc_approach_nml was detected. It can be that namelist lsc_approach_nml is absent in genray.in file Check data in lsc_approach_nml in the file genray.in ************************************************** &LSC_APPROACH_NML EDCTSC_MIN = 1.000000000000000E-005, I_LSC_APPROACH = 0, V_PAR_LSC_DEV_VTE_MAX = 10.0000000000000 , NV_LSC_QL_LH = 100, N_PSI_TSC = 200, ICOUNT_ITER_MAX = 20, EPS_DIFF_D_QL = 1.000000000000000E-006, N_POWER_STEPS = 1, N_DIM_RADII_F_PLOTS = 2, N_RADII_F_PLOTS_AR = 100, 133, 199*0 / in prepare_genray_input.f end reading genray.in file after read_all_namelists after ps_rho_rezone: ierr= 0 before write_all_namelists in subroutine write_uniform_column_profile nametab=dentab nbulk,ndens 3 201 in write_uniform_column_profile, nametab= dentab in write_uniform_column_profile after write(i_unit,..,nametab,) in subroutine write_uniform_column_profile nametab=temtab nbulk,ndens 3 201 in write_uniform_column_profile, nametab= temtab in write_uniform_column_profile after write(i_unit,..,nametab,) in subroutine write_uniform_column_profile nametab=tpoptab nbulk,ndens 3 201 in write_uniform_column_profile, nametab= tpoptab in write_uniform_column_profile after write(i_unit,..,nametab,) in subroutine write_uniform_column_profile nametab=vflowtab nbulk,ndens 3 201 in write_uniform_column_profile, nametab= vflowtab in write_uniform_column_profile after write(i_unit,..,nametab,) in subroutine write_uniform_column_profile nametab=zeftab nbulk,ndens 3 201 in write_uniform_column_profile, nametab= zeftab in write_uniform_column_profile after write(i_unit,..,nametab,) transcribe: max line length = 132 transcribe: complete comma_check: n_extra_commas= 1 after write_all_namelists and comma_check prepare_genray_input: Normal end zcmd= cp genray.in genray.in_1 zcmd= cp genray.in_1 genray.in zcmd= genray_transp > /dev/null genray_transp-RUN successful zcmd= process_genray_output 'LH' '-1' > process_genray_output.log process_genray_output-successful Generic LHH post-processing: ps2trcom_lhh... antenna # iant = 1 powrlha_use(iant) = 1861.19687822560 ps_ts2 prof e sum = 1498.60551647420 ps_ts2 prof i sum = 1.556062452634954E-005 trcom prof e sum = 1498.60551647416 trcom prof i sum = 1.556062452618507E-005 ps_ts2 cur sum = 124.895505974521 trcom cur sum = 124.895505974516 Total LH heating on electrons: 1498.60551647416 Total LH heating on ions: 1.556062452618507E-005 Total Current Drive: 124.895505974516 GENRAYLHH Bottom: Current directory= /local/tr_skim2/transp_compute/D3D/201733Z02 *** FULL NEUTRAL SOURCE CALCULATION PERFORMED *** NSTEP= 2731 TA= 2.19380E+00 CPU TIME= 1.57492E-01 SECONDS. DT= 1.25000E-03 %check_save_state: nbflag = T %check_save_state: iwrite_now = T %check_save_state: check at wall_hours = 4.20438666666675 %check_save_state: izleft hours = 75.7300000000000 %wrstf: start call wrstf. %wrstf: open new restart file:201733Z02RS.DAT %wrstf: open201733Z02RS.DAT_NEW, status= 0 %wrstf: record, ier= 1 (ier=1, OK) %wrstf: psload_save %ps_rezone_chk: no rezone operator available (no MHD equilibrium). %ps_rezone_chk: no rezone operator available (no MHD equilibrium). %ps_rezone_chk: no rezone operator available (no MHD equilibrium). %ps_rezone_chk: no rezone operator available (no MHD equilibrium). %wrstf: write marker file. %wrstf: transp_rplot_state_backup % RESTART RECORD WRITTEN AT TA= 2.1938009E+00