transp_enqueue Wed Jul 17 03:28:03 EDT 2024 cwd = /u/tr_mdallaro total 23 drwxr-xr-x. 7 tr_mdallaro transp 21 Jul 17 03:28 . drwxr-xr-x. 205 root root 0 Jul 16 21:24 .. -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 67 Jul 17 03:28 104408A01_prep.log -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 301 Aug 26 2002 .cshrc drwxr-xr-x. 4 tr_mdallaro transp 4 May 14 10:46 .globus -rw-------. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 18 Oct 5 2023 .history drwxr-xr-x. 2 tr_mdallaro transp 10 Jul 17 03:28 incoming -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 237 Oct 5 2023 .jython -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 50 Oct 10 2013 .k5login -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 123 Oct 19 2009 .k5login.20131010 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 301 Aug 26 2002 .login -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 34 Aug 13 2013 nstxlogs.sybase_login -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 33 Feb 8 2013 nstxlogs.sybase_login~ drwxrwxr-x. 3 tr_mdallaro transp 3 Oct 24 2023 public -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 97 May 17 2023 .shosts -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 168 Feb 24 2011 .shosts.20160222 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 125 Oct 26 2020 .shosts2016-10-26 drwx------. 2 tr_mdallaro transp 2 Oct 19 2009 .ssh -rw-------. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 672 Feb 29 04:11 .tcl drwxr-xr-x. 10 tr_mdallaro transp 10 Oct 5 2023 transp -rw-------. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 66 Oct 5 2023 .Xauthority email = LOCAL = /p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19 NOTRIAGE = XXXXXX server = NONE tree = NONE tok = JET year = 21 queue = walltime = XXXXXX pppl_exist JET.21 104408A01 grid_enq Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) python/3.11.4 9) superlu/5.2.1 17) idl/8.9 2) flexlm/common 10) blacs/1.1a 18) saxon-he/ 3) flexlm/ 11) scalapack/2.1.0 19) blitz/1.0.1 4) intel/2019.u3 12) fftw/3.3.8 20) szip/2.1.1 5) openmpi/4.0.3 13) fann/2.2.0 21) imas/3.39.0-4.11.5 6) netcdf-c/4.7.3 14) pspline/2.0.0 22) xmllib/3.3.1 7) hdf5-parallel/1.10.5 15) mdsplus/7.131.4 23) interpos/9.2.0 8) netcdf-fortran/4.5.2 16) globus/gt6.0_r6 ******************************* transp_enqueue: nohup /p/pshare/git/transp/codesys/sbin/trp_pre 104408A01 JET xtar trp_pre: args =: 104408A01 JET xtar CODESYSDIR = /p/pshare/git/transp/codesys LOCAL = /p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19 CONFIGDIR = /p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19/config ******************************************* 104408A01_JET.REQUEST xtar on host args = 104408A01_JET.REQUEST - xtar controlfile = 104408A01_JET.REQUEST LOCAL=/p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19 CONFIGDIR=/p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19/config server = NONE Tree = NONE Tok = JET Year = 21 MDS-ID = 0 Runid = 104408A01 email = ? no mds-id given! xxxxx server = NONE XTAR = 1 extract 104408A01_JET.tar.gz swap_inputdir 104408A01_tmp/104408A01TR.DAT ./104408A01TR.DAT ./104408A01_tmp status=0 user = jsc7895 check CMOD / TREES enqueue 104408A01 jsc7895 enqueue: namelist file 104408A01TR.DAT found. enqueue: expert module 104408A01ex.for defaulted. -rw-r--r--. 1 tr_mdallaro transp 29 Jul 17 03:28 /p/transpgrid/qshare/104408A01_JET.received enqueue: run 104408A01 (tokamak JET) enqueue status = 0 Use of uninitialized value $etree in concatenation (.) or string at /p/pshare/git/transp/codesys/qcsh/ line 624. Use of uninitialized value $etree in concatenation (.) or string at /p/pshare/git/transp/codesys/qcsh/ line 625. env MDS_TRANSP=YES env MDS_TRANSP_TREE= env MDS_TRANSP_SERVER=NONE /local/tr_mdallaro/transp_compute/JET/104408A01/do_run 104408A01 JET pretr 0 LOCAL = /p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19 CONFIGDIR = /p/pshare/git/transp/builds/pshare/icc/19/config write /local/tr_mdallaro/transp_tmp/104408A01_JET.ind pretr @/local/tr_mdallaro/transp_tmp/104408A01_JET.ind >>&! /p/transpgrid/transp_log/runlog/JET/104408A01_pretr.log >>> done with pretr do_run: pretr 0 = success /local/tr_mdallaro/transp_compute/JET/104408A01/do_run pre status = 0 ************************************************* trp_pre: /p/pshare/git/transp/codesys/sbin/transp__srun 104408A01 JET /local/tr_mdallaro/transp_compute/JET/104408A01/104408A01_JET.REQUEST xtar