PRETR TRANSP Version: 24.0.1 TRANSP DOI: 10.11578/dc.20180627.4 Build Date: 2023/10/21 today's date: Sat Nov 23 11:30:23 2024 %trmpi_init.f90: LOG_LEVEL env. var.: %trmpi_init.f90: logfile_level: warn (mpi_share_env) process myid= 0 cwd: /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33 CTOKNM : Cdir = /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33/ % DIRECTORY IS /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33/; TOKAMAK ID SET TO TFTR MPI mode activated. %trmpi_openlog: LOGFILE_LEVEL = warn ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. NIGCX=1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 ! WHICH SPECIES ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMLO=5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600. ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMLO(1,6)=5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600. ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMHI=19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMHI(1,6)=19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9 E3 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXMULO=20*0.5 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXMUHI=20*50.0 namelist elements assigned the same value more than once: NEFLD namelist elements assigned more than once WITH change of value: XPEFLD %NLIST: open namelist file75925A33TR.ZDA %trcom_static_box: loading static data %DATCHK_MPI: NBI_PSERVE = 1 ************************** **** TRANSP MPI MODE: **** ************************** %DATCHK: TEQ, fixed-boundary DATCHK: CHECKING ARRAY DIMENSIONS, SWITCHES, ETC June 2009: NLBOUT output file feature removed, but: ACfile data now contains lost orbit information; Set outtim(...) to time(s) of interest; use get_fbm. %DATCHK -- VALUE OF FRAC TOO SMALL, RESET. %DATCHK: NYXINV incremented to be odd: 101 161 %DATCHK: no ECH/ECCD, NLECH=F, %DATCHK: no Lower Hybrid, NLLH=F TIDXSW defaulted: value of 0.05 assigned. XZRCYC = 1.00000000000000 species 4 A= 6.96532107238189 Z= 3.00000000000000 Z != "ZRECYC" -- recycling scaled. %DATCKA: ACfile times pre-screen... %DATCKA -- CHECKING NON-DEFAULT SPECIFICATIONS FOR AC FILE I/O GIVEN IN NAMELIST CHARACTER DATA ARRAYS "SELOUT" AND "SELAVG" %ASCXFIN -- AC FILE OPERATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY. %get_tokyr: subroutine tftryr.for: tokamak TFTR shot 75925 => shot year: 94 CREATING REMARKS FILE "75925A33TR.INF " ENTER COMMENTS FOR TR.INF FILE: MDS_TRANSP_SERVER = TRANSPGRID.PPPL.GOV - TRANSP_TFTR Server = TRANSPGRID.PPPL.GOV Pulse = 759250133 Tree = TRANSP_TFTR ztenv = TRANSP_TFTR zsenv = TRANSPGRID.PPPL.GOV PRETR TRANSP Version: 24.0.1 TRANSP DOI: 10.11578/dc.20180627.4 Build Date: 2023/10/21 today's date: Sat Nov 23 11:30:35 2024 %trmpi_init.f90: LOG_LEVEL env. var.: %trmpi_init.f90: logfile_level: warn (mpi_share_env) process myid= 0 cwd: /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33 CTOKNM : Cdir = /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33/ % DIRECTORY IS /local/tr_budny/transp_compute/TFTR/75925A33/; TOKAMAK ID SET TO TFTR MPI mode activated. %trmpi_openlog: LOGFILE_LEVEL = warn ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. NIGCX=1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 ! WHICH SPECIES ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMLO=5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600. ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMLO(1,6)=5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600.,5200.,5600. ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMHI=19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXLMHI(1,6)=19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9E3,19.9E3,17.9 E3 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXMULO=20*0.5 ------------- %splitn_rhs: warning: namelist assign spans multiple rows of array. CXMUHI=20*50.0 namelist elements assigned the same value more than once: NEFLD namelist elements assigned more than once WITH change of value: XPEFLD %NLIST: open namelist file75925A33TR.ZDA %trcom_static_box: loading static data %DATCHK_MPI: NBI_PSERVE = 1 ************************** **** TRANSP MPI MODE: **** ************************** %DATCHK: TEQ, fixed-boundary DATCHK: CHECKING ARRAY DIMENSIONS, SWITCHES, ETC June 2009: NLBOUT output file feature removed, but: ACfile data now contains lost orbit information; Set outtim(...) to time(s) of interest; use get_fbm. %DATCHK -- VALUE OF FRAC TOO SMALL, RESET. %DATCHK: NYXINV incremented to be odd: 101 161 %DATCHK: no ECH/ECCD, NLECH=F, %DATCHK: no Lower Hybrid, NLLH=F TIDXSW defaulted: value of 0.05 assigned. XZRCYC = 1.00000000000000 species 4 A= 6.96532107238189 Z= 3.00000000000000 Z != "ZRECYC" -- recycling scaled. %DATCKA: ACfile times pre-screen... %DATCKA -- CHECKING NON-DEFAULT SPECIFICATIONS FOR AC FILE I/O GIVEN IN NAMELIST CHARACTER DATA ARRAYS "SELOUT" AND "SELAVG" %ASCXFIN -- AC FILE OPERATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY. %get_tokyr: subroutine tftryr.for: tokamak TFTR shot 75925 => shot year: 94 ENTER COMMENTS FOR TR.INF FILE: