Contents of <id>.REQUEST File

#MDS_SERVER =      ... MDS+ server (e.g. "")
#TREE =            ... tree name (e.g. "transp")
#TOK =             ... tokamak id (e.g. "CMOD")
#RUNID =           ... transp runid (e.g. 12345A01)
#SHOT =            ... shot number of MDS+ TRANSP tree
#YEAR =            ... two digit year-of-shot
#MDS_OUTPUT =      ... TRUE or FALSE
#EMAIL =           ... run requestor's Email address

if you want the alternate transp version: 
#TREXE = tshare

if you want mpi nubeam: 
#NBI_NP =          ... number of processors

if you want mpi toric: 
#NTORIC_NP =       ... number of processors

if you want mpi pt_solver: 
#NPTR_NP =       ... number of processors

if you want to submit to a specifique queue: 
#PBS_QUE =         ... Queue type (e.g. INFINIBAND) 

for TREE option:
#TREE_IN =         ... tree_path of input (e.g. "")
#TREE_OUT =        ... tree_path of output(e.g. "")

   Note: TREE_IN and TREE_OUT path must be different.

for CREATE option:

   Unless you specify a TDI trigger, you must specify the correct Server.

for NOMDSPLUS option:

TDI Options
The following are tree node references ("mdsvalue calls") to make upon termination of the job:

#TRANSP_DONE =     ... run completion (normal status)
#TRANSP_ERROR =    ... run completion (error status)

The following is optional:  if set, the MDS+ TRANSP tree should contain
an "expert module", a fortran subroutine, at node "TOP:EXPERT_CODE".
This is a rarely excercised option.

#EXPERT_MODULE =   TRUE, if an expert module is to be used.

The following controls allow the MDS+ capable scruncher program to be
used to set up the plasma boundary evolution input data for TRANSP.  If
these are not specified, then, the TRANSP input subtree must already
contain the prescribed plasma boundary evolution.

#SCRUNCHER_OPTION = .. SCRUNCHER data option (e.g. "CMOD").
#SCRUNCHER_ASYM =  ... TRUE/FALSE, set TRUE for up-down asymmetric boundary.