Fun pictures and animations of
computer simulations of plasma turbulence
I am a Principal Research Physicist and a Distinguished Research Fellow (since 2013) at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Room A137), a Lecturer With Rank of Professor in the Graduate Program in Plasma Physics at Princeton University, part of the Associated Faculty of the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, and a 1997 Fellow of the American Physical Society. I am part of the interdisciplinary Max-Planck/Princeton Center (MPPC) for plasma physics. My main work in recent years has been to work with the Gkeyll team to develop a code using advanced Discontinuous Galerkin algorithms to handle the complexity of turbulence in the edge region of fusion devices. More info is in my CV.
Gregory W. Hammett <>
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, MS27
100 Stellarator Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
May, 2009:
"Vortex Waltz", an entry by graduate student Luc Peterson and I
in the Princeton University Art of
Science exhibit. Press coverage
included the
Italian newspaper Il Sole24Ore.
November, 2007: "Gyrokinetic Theory and Simulations of Experiments", G. W. Hammett, review talk, 2007 APS Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Orlando, Nov. 12-16.
Don't count out the old physicists.
"Current Status of Fusion Energy Research & Related Plasma Turbulence Studies", G.W. Hammett, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics", U.C. Santa Barbara, May 19, 2005. WebCam & Audio. This talk has a broad introduction aimed at physicists outside of fusion energy research.
Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics References
The FIRE Place fusion news,
library, etc.
Computers, General Scientific Computing.
Declaration of Principles for
Ten Great Unsolved
Problems in Physics (including Fusion Energy and Turbulence)
Interesting quotes from
Feynman and others, on the challenge of objectivity in science, etc.
Picture of the Day.
Various text files
I only have some of the course material online, and much is accessible only inside of and We also use a number of books and other notes handed out in class.
Princeton graduate courses I have taught:
My A Physics Formulary (incomplete, mostly
plasma physics and math at this point. Foldable booklet version (for two-sided printing).
LaTeX source files.
Formulary, a good collection initiated by Hartwig and Podpaly while
they were Ph.D. students at MIT>
The NRL Plasma
Computational Physics Tutorial given at the
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste,
2001, with Prof. Bill Dorland.
Other assorted course notes on my PPPL web site or my
my Princeton wiki pages (needs porting).
The Gkeyll Plasma Physics Code. I've been working with the Gkeyll team, lead by Ammar Hakim, and involving Noah Mandell, Mana Francisquez, Eric Shi, Tess Bernard, and others on the development of a gyrokinetic code that can handle the complexities of turbulence in the edge region of fusion devices, using advanced versions of Discontinuous Galerkin and other algorithms. This is the first gyrokinetic code able to handle magnetic fluctuations in a tokamak scrape-off layer region. The Gkeyll Framework also has a Vlasov-Maxwell solver (Jimmy Juno and Ammar work on that) and a multimoment multifluid solver, for various applications. See also Ammar Hakim's Simulation Journal .
Other nonlinear continuum gyrokinetic codes: Jenko, Görler, Told et al. GENE code, Candy & Waltz's GYRO, Dorland & Kotschenreuther's GS2. My old notes on GS2. (older sourceforge version of GS2 is out of date) (Astro version: AstroGK).
Some collaborators and other interesting fusion and plasma research sites:
Bill Dorland
Center for the Study of Plasma Microturbulence
Center for Plasma Physics
Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics (CMPD) (before 2009)
Frank Jenko's group publication,
Alex Schekochihin,
Ian Abel,
Michael Barnes
Some other fusion/plasma research sites:
Edge Simulation Laboratory,
Bruce Scott
A library of useful fusion documents.
Publications (some online) on
Gyrofluid Turbulence Simulations, etc.
(My research specialty)
Gyrofluid Turbulence Simulations
(My research specialty)
FTP archive of my FPPRF
Same FPPRF files.
Directory of various work collaborations, some
incomplete drafts.
Directory of old stuff.
As when a gryfon through the wilderness...
Pursues the Arimaspian, who by stealth
Had from his wakeful custody purloined
The guarded gold...
-Milton, Paradise Lost