# us-swapcaps.map # like us.map, but swap left Caps_Lock and Control keys # # This map file determines the keyboard mapping used in text/VGA mode # (i.e., in the virtual ttys, not in X-windows). # The left backspace and delete keys alone (which are okay in text/VGA mode). # # To use, do: # # gzip us-swapcaps.map # cp -p us-swapcaps.map.gz /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty # and edit /edit/sysconfig/keyboard by hand to replace # # KEYTABLE="us" with # KEYTABLE="us-swapcaps" # keymaps 0-2,4-6,8-9,12 alt_is_meta include "qwerty-layout" include "linux-with-alt-and-altgr" include "compose.latin1" include "euro1.map" strings as usual keycode 1 = Escape keycode 2 = one exclam keycode 3 = two at at nul nul keycode 4 = three numbersign control keycode 4 = Escape keycode 5 = four dollar dollar Control_backslash keycode 6 = five percent control keycode 6 = Control_bracketright keycode 7 = six asciicircum control keycode 7 = Control_asciicircum keycode 8 = seven ampersand braceleft Control_underscore keycode 9 = eight asterisk bracketleft Delete keycode 10 = nine parenleft bracketright keycode 11 = zero parenright braceright keycode 12 = minus underscore backslash Control_underscore Control_underscore keycode 13 = equal plus keycode 14 = Delete keycode 15 = Tab keycode 26 = bracketleft braceleft control keycode 26 = Escape keycode 27 = bracketright braceright asciitilde Control_bracketright keycode 28 = Return alt keycode 28 = Meta_Control_m keycode 29 = Caps_Lock # key 29 normally labelled "Ctrl" in lower left keycode 39 = semicolon colon keycode 40 = apostrophe quotedbl control keycode 40 = Control_g keycode 41 = grave asciitilde control keycode 41 = nul keycode 42 = Shift keycode 43 = backslash bar control keycode 43 = Control_backslash keycode 51 = comma less keycode 52 = period greater keycode 53 = slash question control keycode 53 = Control_underscore control shift keycode 53 = Delete keycode 54 = Shift keycode 56 = Alt keycode 57 = space control keycode 57 = nul keycode 58 = Control # key 58 normally labelled "Caps Lock" on left keycode 86 = less greater bar keycode 97 = Control