# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. See Legal.htm for full text and disclaimer. from lines import * from polymap import * from cellarray import * from graph2d import * def paws ( ) : i = raw_input ("Type in any string to continue; ^C to return to prompt. ") return def demo () : x0 = arange(50, typecode = Float) y0 = zeros(50, Float) x1 = 49 * ones(50, Float) y1 = arange(50, typecode = Float) ly = Lines (x0 = x0,y0 = y0,x1 = x1,y1 = y1) g0 = Graph2d ( ly , titles = "Just Lines") g0.plot () paws () ly.set (color = "red") g0.change (titles = "Lines colored red") g0.plot () paws () ly.set (width=4.0,type="dashdotdot") g0.change(titles = "Wide lines, dashdotdot style") g0.plot () paws () n = [4,3,3,3,3,4,4,3,3,3,3] x = [0.,1.,1.,0.,0.,1.5,1.,1.5,3.,0.,1.5,3.,2.,1.5,2.,1.,2.,3.,3.,2., 1.,2.,2.,1.,2.,3.,1.5,1.,2.,1.5,1.,1.5,0.,0.,3.,1.5] y = [1.,2.,7.,8.,1.,1.,2.,0.,1.,1.,1.,1.,2.,1.,2.,2.,2.,1.,8.,7., 2.,2.,7.,7.,7.,8.,8.,7.,7.,8.,7.,8.,8.,8.,8.,9.] z = [2.5,1.2,1.5,1.2,.5,2.5,2.,1.2,.5,1.2,1.5] p1 = Polymap(x=x,y=y,z=z,n=n) g0.replace(1,p1) g0.change(titles = "Stained glass window") g0.plot () paws () p1.set(z = array("AMZMmAzMmMZ",'b') ) g0.plot () paws () nx= 10 ny= 19 # ndx = zeros ( (nx, ny ), Int) # for jj in range (ny) : # for ii in range (nx) : # ndx [ii, jj] = ii + (jj - 1) * nx ndx = reshape (arange (nx * ny, typecode = 'b'), (nx, ny)) cla = CellArray ( z = ndx ) gca = Graph2d ( cla , titles = "Cell Array", axis_scales = "linlin" ) gca.plot ( ) paws ( ) # -------------------- generate sombrero function nz = 20 x = arange (-nz, nz+1, typecode = Float ) y = x z = zeros ((2*nz + 2, 2*nz + 2), Float) for i in range ( len (x) ) : for j in range ( len (y)) : r = sqrt ( x [i] * x[i] + y [j] * y [j] ) + 1.e-12 z [i, j] = sin (r) / r # cell array plot cla.set (z = z) gca.change (titles = "Sombrero Function",axis_limits="defaults") gca.plot ( ) paws ( ) print "Type demo() to proceed."