# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. See Legal.htm for full text and disclaimer. from slice3 import plane3 from Numeric import * from graftypes import * class Plane : """Plane (normal, point) simply embodies a plane through the given point with the given normal. """ def type (self) : return PlaneType def __init__ (self, normal = array ([1., 0., 0.]), point = array ([0., 0., 0.])) : self.coeffs = plane3 (normal, point) def __repr__ (self) : return `self.coeffs` def __str__ (self) : return `self.coeffs` def __neg__ (self) : p = Plane () p.coeffs = - self.coeffs return p def rep (self) : return self.coeffs def astype (self, newtype) : return (array (self.coeffs, newtype))