Installation Notes for the LLNLPython Distribution

The LLNL Distribution is delivered in two forms, LLNLDistribution.tgz for Unix, and for Windows. The Windows distribution includes compiled libraries for the Numerical package only.

This distribution includes several packages (not in the Python sense, just in the sense of 'collection of modules').

Numerical should be installed first. PyHistory has no compiled portion. CXX is experimental and may present significant compilation difficulties as explained in the README file.

Note that source files other than the header files are not installed anywhere. Be sure to keep those parts of the distribution for which  you wish to have the source.

Gotcha #1: There have been bugs reported when loading on a platform where there is a native version of the BLAS or LAPACK. Somehow there is a confusion between different versions of the routines. Please be sure to alter the file Setup to remove the files indicated from the build of module lapack_lite and to set the location of your libraries appropriately if working on such a platform.

Gotcha #2: if you are building a C extension that requires you to use the numerical extension (arrayobject.h) then you MUST add the statement:
to the initialization routine for your module in order to initialize it properly.



Perform the following two steps in each subdirectory of the LLNLDistribution directory which has a Src subdirectory you wish to build, beginning with Numerical.



Windows 95, 98, NT

The distribution contains the full source plus compiled libraries for Numerical. To install from this file simply unzip it and proceed to "installation" below. For the other packages, or recompiling on your own, first do the "Compilation" step.

Compilation (assumes Visual C++ 5 or later)

          This step is only needed if working from the sources. Always do Numerical first.
