Module pdb_historyPact/PDB files are self-defining, portable binary data files. The use of this module requires Pact. Protein DataBase files are a different kind of file also referred to as PDB files. This module does not have anything to do with them. Tag-creating FunctionsThe usual way to create a tag whose history will be collected in a Pact/PDB file is PDBfile_tag:: pdbfile_tag (tagname, filename = '', col = collector)
Class PDBfileA tag is a group of items that should be sampled at the same times and those samples written out to a history medium. Class PDBfile creates a history medium tied to a Pact/PDB file. A medium is an instance of a class conforming to history_medium.HistoryMedium. All attributes and methods are inherited from HistoryMedium and redefined appropriately..