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6.1 Inquiry and Editing Functions

6.1.1 plq: Query Plot Element Status

Calling Sequence

legend_list = plq() **** RETURN VALUE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ****
plq( n_element[, n_contour] )
properties = plq(n_element[, n_contour])


Called as a subroutine, plq prints the list of legends for the current coordinate system (with an "(H)" to mark hidden elements), or prints a list of current properties of element n_element (such as line type, width, font, etc.), or of contour number n_contour of element number n_element (which must be contours generated using the plc command). Elements and contours are both numbered starting with one; hidden elements or contours are included in this numbering.

The plq function always operates on the current coordinate system in the current graphics window; use window and plsys to change these.

6.1.2 pledit: Change Plotting Properties

Calling Sequence

pledit( [n_element[, n_contour],] <keylist> )

where, as usual, <keylist> has the form key1=value1, key2=value2, ...


pledit changes some property or properties of element number n_element (and contour number n_contour of that element). If n_element and n_contour are omitted, the default is the most recently added element, or the element specified in the most recent plq query command.

The keywords can be any of the keywords that apply to the current element. These are:

plg: color, type, width, marks, mcolor, marker,
msize, mspace, mphase, rays, rspace, rphase, arrowl,
arroww, closed, smooth
plm: region, boundary, inhibit, color, type, width
plc: region, color, type, width, marks, mcolor, marker,
msize, mspace, mphase, smooth, levs

(For contours, if you aren't talking about a particular n_contour, any changes will affect ALL the contours.)

plv: region, color, hollow, width, aspect, scale
plf: region
pldj: color, type, width
plt: color, font, height, path, justify, opaque

A plv (vector field) element can also take the scalem keyword to multiply all vector lengths by a specified factor.

A plt (text) element can also take the dx and/or dy keywords to adjust the text position by (dx,dy).

6.1.3 pldefault: Set Default Values

Calling Sequence

pldefault( key1=value1, key2=value2, ... )


Set default values for the various properties of graphical elements.

The keywords can be most of the keywords that can be passed to the plotting commands:

plg: color, type, width, marks, mcolor, msize, mspace,
mphase, rays, rspace, rphase, arrowl, arroww
plm: color, type, width
plc: color, type, width, marks, mcolor, marker, msize,
mspace, mphase
plv: color, hollow, width, aspect
plf: edges, ecolor, ewidth
pldj: color, type, width
plt: color, font, height, path, justify, opaque

The initial default values are:

color="fg", type="solid", width=1.0 (1/2 point),
marks=1, mcolor="fg", msize=1.0 (10 points), mspace=0.16,
rays=0, arrowl=1.0 (10 points), arroww=1.0 (4 points), rspace=0.13,
font="helvetica", height=12.0, path=0, justify="NN",
hollow= 0, aspect=0.125,
edges=0, ecolor="fg", ewidth=1.0 (1/2 point)

Additional default keywords are:

dpi, style, legends (see window command)
palette (to set default filename as in palette command)
maxcolors (default 200)

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