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2.4 Function Summary

Here is a summary of the functions which are described in the remainder of this manual.

window ( [n] [, <keylist>]) # open or select device n
keywords: display, dpi, dump, hcp, legends, private,
style, wait
winkill ( [n]) # delete device n
n = current_window () # determine active device
fma () # frame advance
old_limits = limits ()
old_limits = limits (xmin [, xmax[, ymin[, ymax]]]
[, <keylist>] )
keywords: square, nice, restrict
limits (old_limits )
ylimits (ymin[, ymax] )
logxy (xflag[, yflag] )
gridxy (flag )
gridxy (xflag, yflag )
zoom_factor (factor )
unzoom ()
plg (y [, x][, <keylist>] ) # plot a graph
keywords: legend, hide, type, width, color, closed,
smooth, marks, marker, mspace, mphase, rays
plmesh ([y, x][, ireg][, triangle=tri_array] )
# set default mesh
plmesh () # delete default mesh
plm ([y, x][, ireg][, <keylist>] )
# plot mesh
keywords: boundary, inhibit, legend, hide, type, width,
color, region
plc (z[, y, x][, ireg][, <keylist>] )
# plot contours
keywords: levs, triangle, legend, hide, type, width,
color, smooth, marks, marker, mspace, mphase,
plfc (z[, y, x][, ireg][, <keylist>] )
# plot filled contours
keywords: contours, colors, region, triangle, scale
plv (vy, vx[, y, x][, ireg][, <keylist>] )
# plot vector field
keywords: scale, hollow, aspect, legend, hide, type,
width, color, smooth, marks, marker, mspace,
mphase, triangle, region
plf (z[, y, x][, ireg][, <keylist>] )
# Plot a filled mesh
keywords: edges, ecolor, ewidth, legend, hide, region,
top, cmin, cmax
plfp (z, y, x, n[, <keylist>] )
# Plot filled polygons
keywords: legend, hide, top, cmin, cmax
pli (z[[, x0, y0], x1, y1][, <keylist>] )
# Plot a cell array
keywords: legend, hide, top, cmin, cmax
pldj (x0, y0, x1, y1[, <keylist>] )
# Plot disjoint lines
keywords: legend, hide, type, width, color
plt (text, x, y[, <keylist>] )
keywords: tosys, font, height, opaque, path, justify,
legend, hide, color
pltitle (title ) # Plot a title
plq () # Query plot element status
legend_list = plq ()
plq (n_element[, n_contour] )
properties = plq (n_element[, n_contour])
pledit ([n_element[, n_contour],] <keylist> )
# Change Plotting Properties of Current Element
The keywords can be any of the keywords that apply to the current element.
pldefault (key1=value1, key2=value2, ... )
# Set default values
The keywords can be most of the keywords that can be passed to the plotting
bytscl (z[, top=max_byte][, cmin=lower_cutoff]
[, cmax=upper_cutoff])
# Convert data to color array
histeq_scale (z[, top=top_value][, cmin=cmin][,
cmax=cmax]) **** NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ****
# Histogram Equalized Scaling
mesh_loc (y0, x0[, y, x[, ireg]] )
# Get zone index of (x0, y0)
result = mouse (system, style, prompt)
# Handle Mouse Click
moush ([y, x[, ireg]] )
# Return zone index of point clicked in mesh
pause (milliseconds) # self-explanatory
orient3 (phi = angle1, theta = angle2)
rot3 (xa = anglex, ya = angley, za = anglez)
mov3 (xa = val1, ya = val2, za = val3)
aim3 (xa = val1, ya = val2, za = val3)
light3 (ambient=a_level, diffuse=d_level,
specular=s_level, spower=n, sdir=xyz)
clear3 ( )
window3 ( [n] [, dump = val] [, hcp = filename])
gnomon ( [onoff] [, chr = <labels>] )
set_default_gnomon ( [onoff])
[lims = ] draw3 ( [called_as_idler = <val>])
limits (lims [0], lims [1], lims [2], lims [3])
set_draw3 (n)
n = get_draw3 ( )
clear_idler ( )
set_idler (func_name)
set_default_idler ( )
call_idler ( )
plane3 (<normal>, <point>)
mesh3 (x, y, z)
mesh3 (x, y, z, funcs = [f1, f2, ...], [verts = <spec>])
mesh3 (xyz, funcs = [f1, f2, ...])
mesh3 (nxnynz, dxdydz, x0y0z0, funcs = [f1, f2, ...])
slice3mesh (z [, color])
slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z [, color])
slice3mesh (x, y, z [, color])
slice3 (m3, fslice, nv, xyzv [, fcolor [, flg1]]
[, value = <val>] [, node = flg2])
[nverts, xyzverts, values] = slice2 (plane, nv, xyzv, vals)
[nverts, xyzverts, values, nvertb, xyzvertb, valueb] =
slice2x (plane, nv, xyzv, vals)
plwf (z [, y, x] [, <keylist>] )
keywords: fill, shade, edges, ecolor, ewidth, cull,
scale, cmax
pl3surf (nverts, xyzverts [, values] [, <keylist>])
keywords: cmin, cmax
pl3tree (nverts, xyzverts [, values] [, <keylist>])
keywords: plane, cmin, cmax, split
movie (draw_frame [, time_limit = 120.]
[, min_interframe = 0.0]
[, bracket_time = array ([2., 2.], Float )]
[, lims = None]
[, timing = 0])
spin3 (nframes = 30,
axis = array ([-1, 1, 0], Float),
tlimit = 60.,
dtmin = 0.0,
bracket_time = array ([2., 2.], Float),
lims = None,
timing = 0,
angle = 2. * pi)
split_palette ( [palette_name])
view = save3 ()
restore3 (view)

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