Notes on installing XES1/ES1 on a Linux computer
(updated Oct. 29, 2001):
First download the
xgrafix graphics package and
es1 from the
Theory and Simulation Group's web site at Berkeley.
# To build xes1, first build xgrafix. To do this without
# needing root (administrator) administrator priveleges, do:
# Extract the files to a directory you want to work in:
cd public
tar xvzf xes1.class.tar.gz
tar xvzf xgrafix250a.tar.gz
# Choose where to put the xgrafix libraries. At the ICTP,
# in order for everyone to have access to the code, I chose
# On another computer you might choose
# In the following notes, everywhere "/afs/ictp/public/h/hammettg/lib"
# appears, replace it with your choice of a directory to hold the
# xgrafix library and include files.
# Next do
cd xgrafix/src
make all DESTDIR=/afs/ictp/public/h/hammettg/lib
make install DESTDIR=/afs/ictp/public/h/hammettg/lib
# Note: these must be complete absolute path names
# (I was able to ignore the compiler warnings.)
# Next make xes1 itself:
cd ../../xes1
# Edit the file "makefile". After line 34 add the following section:
## Linux options
ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),i386-linux)
FILE_EXT = .i386
CC = gcc
XHOME= /afs/ictp/public/h/hammettg/lib
# XHOME= /u/hammett/public_html/courses/trieste01/codes/lib
INCLUDES= $(XHOME)/local/include
LIBS = -L$(XHOME)/local/xgrafix -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXGC250 -ltcl -ltk -lXpm -lX11 -lm
## Alternate HOSTTYPE identifier for Linux
ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE),i386)
FILE_EXT = .i386
CC = gcc
XHOME= /afs/ictp/public/h/hammettg/lib
# XHOME= /u/hammett/public_html/courses/trieste01/codes/lib
INCLUDES= $(XHOME)/local/include
LIBS = -L$(XHOME)/local/xgrafix -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXGC250 -ltcl -ltk -lXpm -lX11 -lm
# Then build xes1 by doing: