The files archived in fpp.tar contain files for the UNIX version of FPP/SPRUCE, a Fokker-Planck Program for modelling Neutral Beam and ICRF heating of tokamaks (magnetic devices for confining hot plasmas for fusion energy production), including SPRUCE, a reduced-order, full-wave, 3D code for calculating wave propagation and damping. The main authors of the FPP part of the code are Greg Hammett and Rob Goldston (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory). The main authors of the SPRUCE part of the code are David Smithe, Michel Evrard, and Greg Hammett. For more information, and permission to use this code, contact Greg Hammett by email at See the file "copyright" for a copyright statement covering FPP/SPRUCE. These files are available via a web server (like netscape or mosaic) at, or via anonymous FTP to, directory pub/hammett. ************************************************************************** The most recent upgrades (July 4, 1996) by Michel Evrard of the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas in Belgium, have implemented full FLR effects (full Bessel functions) in the dielectric tensor, employing a general root finder to search for the fast-wave root. The code is written for general anisotropy (Tperp .ne. Tpar), though this has been switched off for now as further testing is needed in the anisotropic case (where instabilities can exist). ************************************************************************** If you use this code, please cite the following references which explain the physics in the code and credit the primary authors: Michel Evrard, Jef Ongena, and D. Van Eester "Improved dielectric tensor in the ICRF module of TRANSP", in AIP Conference Proceedings #?, Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas, Thirteenth Topical Conference, Palm Springs (1995) (to be published by AIP, 1995). G.W. Hammett, W. Dorland, R. Kaita, S.S. Medley, D.N. Smithe, P.L. Colestock, "Analysis of Charge Exchange Measurements During ICRF and ICRF+NBI Heating in TFTR", in Eighth Topical Conference on Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas, (Irvine, CA, 1989), Roger McWilliams, editor, (AIP Conference Proceedings 190). Gregory Wayne Hammett, "Fast Ion Studies of Ion Cyclotron Heating in the PLT Tokamak", Ph.D. Dissertation (Princeton, 1986), University Microfilms International No. GAX86-12694. **************************************************************************** To unpack the tar archive file on a unix computer, do: gunzip fpp.tar.gz tar xvf fpp.tar Further documentation on the code is in the fpp/doc directory. In particular, see the fpbasic.dft file for definitions of all of the input variables, and the sample input files in fpp/data/test/*.in. Some of the documentation files are a bit out of date, especially since they were written when the code was run on vax computers and it has since migrated to unix machines... The code requires the nag library to link (contact Mike Bettenhausen at for a version which uses freeware like lapack instead). You probably won't need "ufile output", and so you use the following comments in fpp/source/makefile to compile without the ufile.a etc., libraries... # ../frantic/uxdum.o and ../frantic.c9date.o can be used as # replacements for uflib.a, ureadsub.a, and vaxonly.a if # ufile output isn't needed. You also have to get the sglib graphics library built (see the accompanying sglib.tar.Z and sglib.inf file). cd fpp/frantic make cd ../source make To run the code on a test case, type: cd fpp/data/test cp ../../run_fpp zweben46 When the code finishes, use the SGLIB utility "xplot" to view the tektronix plot file: xplot zweben46.plt