errata for "Developments in the Gyrofluid Approach to Tokamak Turbulence Simulations", G. W. Hammett, M. A. Beer, W. Dorland, S. C. Cowley, and S. A. Smith, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion , Vol. 35, 937 (1993): On p. 977, in the last equation, final term on the right hand side of C(F) should be B C(F) (Note that this is required to be dimensionally correct, and is a consequence of the gyro-kinetic equation for F(v_parallel, mu, x, y, z, t) being written in conservative form.) On p. 983, in the caption for figure 2, the value of q used in the simulation was q=2.4, not q=2. On p. 983, in Fig 2(a), the y-axis (for chi_i) is mislabelled due to a normalization error. The reported values of chi should be multiplied by 3/16, so the y-axis range of 0 to 120 should instead be 0 to 22.5.