Errata for "Fluid Models of Phase Mixing, Landau Damping, and Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Dynamics," G. W. Hammett, W. Dorland and F. W. Perkins, Phys. Fluids B4, 2052 (1992).

Last updated June 12, 2013.

All of these errata are included in the corrected copy.

* On p. 2053, first column, 5th paragraph, in the 5th line: there is an extraneous space after the solidus "|" that begins the absolute value operator, and before the k_\parallel.

* On p. 2053, first column, 5th paragraph, in the 4th line from the end of the paragraph: the argument of the exponential, $ -1 / \epsilon 2 $, should be $ -1 / \epsilon^2 $, and in the next line after that, the terms $\epsilon-2$ should be replaced with $\epsilon^{-2}$.

* on p. 2056, in the first line of Eq. 12, the factor of $e^{i k}$ should be $e^{i k z}$.