program vlad c c Vlasov code for the single-eddy ITG test case... c Greg Hammett 14-Oct-1993 c implicit none integer mxvel,nsteps,nplot parameter (mxvel=1025) real fmaxw(mxvel) ! fm(v) Maxwellian real v(mxvel) ! velocity grid complex f1(mxvel) ! f(m=1,n=1,v) mode real f2(mxvel) ! f(m=2,n=0,v) mode real fmaxwu(mxvel) ! v*fm(v) real fmaxwt(mxvel) ! (v**2-1)*fm(v) complex f1s(mxvel) real f2s(mxvel) complex u1,temp1 real u2,temp2,phi2,flux real vmax,pi,den real wstp(mxvel) real rand external rand integer i,itime,nvel real kpar,kx,ky,etai,dt,dv,time,perturb,nuii complex phi1,phi1s,phi1p,ii,phase character*24 fdate namelist /vnml/ kpar,nsteps,nplot,dt,nvel,kx,ky,etai,perturb,nuii character*80 runname integer iargc,icount,lrunname external iargc, getarg c initialize data: ii=(0.0,1.0) pi=abs(acos(-1.0)) nuii=0.0 nplot=40 ! # of time steps between f(v) plots c determine namelist file name: icount=iargc() if(icount .ge. 1) then call getarg(1,runname) else write(6,*) 'usage: vlad runname' write(6,*) ' to process the namelist in' endif lrunname=index(runname,' ')-1 c read namelist file: open(unit=41,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.in',status='old') c > readonly,shared) read(41,vnml,end=10,err=10) goto 11 10 write(6,*) 'error while reading namelist input file' stop 11 close(unit=41) c check some parameters: if(nvel .gt. mxvel) then write(6,*) 'nvel too large, mxvel=',mxvel stop endif if((nvel/2)*2 .eq. nvel) then write(6,*) 'nvel must be odd' stop endif time=0.0 c vmax=sqrt(2.0*log(m)) vmax=5.0 c vmax=10.0 dv=vmax*2.0/(nvel-1) write(6,*) 'dt * kpar * vmax = ', dt*kpar*vmax write(6,*) 'dt * omega_*p = ', dt*ky*(1+etai) write(6,*) 'max damping per step =', dt*nuii*pi**2/dv**2 if(dt*nuii*pi**2/dv**2 .gt. 1) then write(6,*) > 'fatal: max damping per step is too big for explicit method' stop endif c We are currently advancing the collision terms using the same c explicit 2-step method as for the other terms. This is only c stable if the above parameter is less than 2 (1 for accuracy). c Eventually this could be upgraded to an implicit Crank-Nickolson c method, allowing a larger time step. c c Also, we are not using conservative boundary conditions for the c collision operator at the ends of the velocity grid, so there c is a very slow loss of particles out the ends of the velocity c grid. This could also be upgraded (though in practice, simply c increasing vmax would make the loss exponentially smaller...) c den=0.0 do i=1,nvel v(i) = -vmax+(i-1)*dv fmaxw(i) = 1.0/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-v(i)**2/2) den=den+dv*fmaxw(i) enddo c write(6,*) 'den =',den do i=1,nvel c slightly scale fmaxw to exactly unit density: fmaxw(i)=fmaxw(i)/den wstp(i) = ky*fmaxw(i)*(1+etai*(v(i)**2-1)/2) fmaxwu(i) = v(i)*fmaxw(i) fmaxwt(i) = (v(i)**2-1)*fmaxw(i) enddo open(unit=21,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.out' > ,status='unknown', form='formatted') ! output file c write(21,*) '# vlad output (single-eddy Vlasov code)' c write(21,*) '# ', fdate() c write(21,*) '#' c write(21,*) '# time, abs(phi), complex phi , freq=' open(unit=22,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.f.ncar' > ,status='unknown', form='formatted') ! output file open(unit=23,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.f2.ncar' > ,status='unknown', form='formatted') ! output file c initialize f1: if(ky .eq. 0.0 .and. kpar .eq. 0.0) then c then this is a collision model test: f1(nvel/2-nvel/20)=1.0 f1(nvel/2+1+nvel/40)=1.0 else do i=1, nvel f1(i) = perturb*fmaxw(i) enddo f1(1)=0.0 ! set end points to zero (and don't evolve them...) f1(2)=0.0 endif c find density: phi1=0.0 do i=1,nvel phi1=phi1+dv*f1(i) enddo c initialize f2: do i=1,nvel f2(i) = 0.0 f2s(i)= 0.0 enddo c ********************************************************************* do itime=0,nsteps phi1p=phi1 c momentum and energy restoring terms for collision operator u1=0.0 temp1=0.0 u2=0.0 temp2=0.0 do i=1,nvel u1=u1+dv*f1(i)*v(i) temp1=temp1 +dv*f1(i)*(v(i)**2-1) u2=u2+dv*f2(i)*v(i) temp2=temp2 +dv*f2(i)*(v(i)**2-1) enddo c predictor step: do i=2,nvel-1 f1s(i)=f1(i) -ii*dt/2.*( > kpar*v(i)*(f1(i)+phi1*fmaxw(i))+wstp(i)*phi1 > +2*kx*ky*phi1*f2(i)) > +dt/2.*nuii*( (f1(i+1)-2*f1(i)+f1(i-1))/dv**2 > +( (v(i+1)+v(i))*(f1(i+1)+f1(i)) > -(v(i-1)+v(i))*(f1(i-1)+f1(i)) ) / (4*dv) > + u1*fmaxwu(i) + temp1*fmaxwt(i) ) f2s(i)=f2(i) +dt/2*(4.*kx*ky*aimag(conjg(phi1)*f1(i))) > +dt/2.*nuii*( (f2(i+1)-2*f2(i)+f2(i-1))/dv**2 > +( (v(i+1)+v(i))*(f2(i+1)+f2(i)) > -(v(i-1)+v(i))*(f2(i-1)+f2(i)) ) / (4*dv) > + u2*fmaxwu(i) + temp2*fmaxwt(i) ) enddo phi1s=0.0 do i=1,nvel phi1s=phi1s+dv*f1s(i) enddo c momentum and energy restoring terms for collision operator u1=0.0 temp1=0.0 u2=0.0 temp2=0.0 do i=1,nvel u1=u1+dv*f1s(i)*v(i) temp1=temp1 +dv*f1s(i)*(v(i)**2-1) u2=u2+dv*f2s(i)*v(i) temp2=temp2 +dv*f2s(i)*(v(i)**2-1) enddo c corrector step: do i=2,nvel-1 f1(i)=f1(i) -ii*dt*( > kpar*v(i)*(f1s(i)+phi1s*fmaxw(i))+wstp(i)*phi1s > +2*kx*ky*phi1s*f2s(i)) > +dt*nuii*( (f1s(i+1)-2*f1s(i)+f1s(i-1))/dv**2 > +( (v(i+1)+v(i))*(f1s(i+1)+f1s(i)) > -(v(i-1)+v(i))*(f1s(i-1)+f1s(i)) ) / (4*dv) > + u1*fmaxwu(i) + temp1*fmaxwt(i) ) f2(i)=f2(i) +dt*(4.*kx*ky*aimag(conjg(phi1)*f1s(i))) > +dt/2.*nuii*( (f2s(i+1)-2*f2s(i)+f2s(i-1))/dv**2 > +( (v(i+1)+v(i))*(f2s(i+1)+f2s(i)) > -(v(i-1)+v(i))*(f2s(i-1)+f2s(i)) ) / (4*dv) > + u2*fmaxwu(i) + temp2*fmaxwt(i) ) enddo phi1=0.0 do i=1,nvel phi1=phi1+dv*f1(i) enddo c phi2=0.0 c do i=1,nvel c phi2=phi2+dv*f2(i) c enddo flux=-2.0*ky*aimag(conjg(phi1)*temp1) time=time+dt if(mod(itime,10).eq.0) then write(21,1300) time,abs(phi1),real(phi1),aimag(phi1), > (phi1-phi1p)/dt/phi1s*ii 1300 format(6(' ',g)) c write(21,*) time,abs(phi1) write(23,*) time,flux endif if(mod(itime,nplot).eq.0) then if(kpar .eq. 0.0 .and. ky .eq. 0.0) then c diagnostics for checking collision operator: u1=0.0 temp1=0.0 do i=1,nvel u1=u1+dv*f1(i)*v(i) temp1=temp1 +dv*f1(i)*(v(i)**2-1) enddo write(6,*) ' time, phi1, u1, temp1 = ' write(6,*) time,real(phi1),real(u1),real(temp1) endif c save f(v) for ncar plots: write(22,*) " ' Re and Im f1(v), Re f2(v) at t= ",time,"'" write(22,*) " 'velocity' 'f(v)' " write(22,*) nvel,3 do i=1,nvel phase=abs(phi1)/phi1 write(22,*) v(i), real(f1(i)*phase), imag(f1(i)*phase), > f2(i) enddo endif enddo ! end itime loop close(unit=21) open(unit=21,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.f1' > ,status='unknown', form='formatted') ! output file write(21,*) '# v real(f(v)) imag(f(v))' c multiple f1 by a phase factor for plotting, which makes c real(f1) the component of f1(v) which is in-phase with phi1, and c imag(f1) the component of f1(v) which is out-of-phase with phi1. phase=abs(phi1)/phi1 do i=1,nvel write(21,*) i, v(i), real(f1(i)*phase), imag(f1(i)*phase) enddo stop end